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WORDS; 1,609.
TO; Himself (Third-Person).
VOCAB; Y/N = Your Name.  C/N = (birth/home) Country Name.  L/N = Last Name.

(Y/N) entered university with his friends, who were quick to mingle with some older students and make friends with people over your little group's age range.  All of his friends were freshly eighteen in their first year, though there was one person who was a year older.  Jared Miller, who was (Y/N)'s boyfriend at the time.

All of his friend's new friends are people he has only briefly met, and gladly so.  School work was already a lot, so he didn't want to gather any new friends to consume his time.

On this new campus, (Y/N) had a consistent paranoid feeling. Something was off, someone was watching him... But he brushed that feeling off as simply being nervous about being in a whole new school, which occurred as his final two school years which he was diving in to professionally learn about his top interests since he was young. Clothing designing.

By putting his focus on schoolwork, excelling with his grades, (Y/N) was able to confidently ignore the paranoid feelings this place brought.

On top of the paranoia, he was also getting random notes in his locker. Love letters. They varied from poems about love and desire, to full blown confessions about how this mystery person is so deeply interested in him. All these letters being signed by a 'secret admirer'.

He even met someone new in his clothing design classes!  Saturn, who would always find him before classes and walk him in. This helped to ease his nerves, especially because of how Saturn never makes (Y/N) feel pressured to speak. Saturn let (Y/N) use his guitar, just as a joke for a dumb video that the two shot when they got bored, this is around the time (Y/N) picked up a huge interest in musical instruments.

As a side hobby, he got a guitar of his own and practiced with Saturn, Jared sitting in to applaud them both as he did homework on his and (Y/N)'s shared computer.

Apollo, Jared's brother, had approached (Y/N) with a random gift, "It's not from me. From your secret admirer." He said. "It's an air freshener, for your new car." Apollo smiled. "Tell whoever this is from thank you for me!"

(Y/N) had brushed that gift off as something his boyfriend hadn't got the time to give to him personally, even connecting this to the random love notes that he had been receiving in his locker.

But after his first year passing, him now being nineteen years old and surrounded by his friends and their new friends, he was noticing that the feeling never left him. His boyfriend tried to comfort him with little things, such as checking under the bed of their shared apartment, assuring him that the windows and doors are all locked and various other things. But it even got a lot for Jared to deal with.

It's not like Jared hated (Y/N) over this, he could never. They've been high school sweethearts since way too long, people see him and (Y/N) as the perfect, power couple. But now, since (Y/N) was becoming far more stressed, Jared was pushing for him to see a professional.

Weeks went by after (Y/N) had gotten in to see the university's school psychologist, not much had changed, but he now managed the stress of everything far better. The end of their first term of this new year had come, celebrations were called for. Apollo insisted that the two of them had to accompany him and another mutual friend to a party. "Fine." Said (Y/N), both the brothers shouted in joy. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Apollo started, "You won't regret this."

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