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WORDS; 1,910.
TO; Himself.
WARNINGS; Rape mention.

Shame. Shame clouded his thoughts when he woke up naked beside his boyfriend. "Oh god..." (Y/N) uttered as he pulled the blankets over his exposed skin. Had he taken advantage of his boyfriend when he was drunk?

He shook Jared awake, who only groaned. "I'm sorry." The words flooded out of his mouth. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He continued, dropping his head against his boyfriend's bare shoulder when he felt a headache coming on. "...I'm sorry, Jared."

"Huhhh?" Jared groaned out, confused about this outburst of repeated apologies. "What? Why? Andd, can you get me a drink? Please?"  Jared rubbed his head, feeling the aftermath of alcohol coming over him in the form of a headache.  "Mhm."

With that, (Y/N) rushed off to get a glass of water for his hungover boyfriend without any hesitation.  Jared yawned, almost falling asleep before he heard the footsteps of (Y/N) come thumping back in the room, holding a glass that he was surprised his boyfriend hadn't spilled on his way in.  "Thank you..."  Jared laughed out and took the glass, sipping at it with a smile.  "Now, baby."  He swallowed.  "Tell me what that was about..."

"What do you mean?"  Said (Y/N), confused and newly worried that he had messed something else up.  "Your little outburst of apologies.  What was that about?"  (Y/N) stared down at the floor.

"...Because, I fucked you while you were drunk."  Jared looked at (Y/N) as if he still didn't understand, when (Y/N) met his eyes with this gaze, he felt pressured to go on.  "That's rape, Jared.  You couldn't consent!"

Silence. "Well, I'm saying now that I'm okay with it. So it wasn't rape." Jared interrupted the silence by softly explaining this to (Y/N), who was still a little stressed, but ultimately decided Jared was right in that. (Y/N) wrapped his arms around Jared and nested his nose and cheek against his shoulder for warmth. "If I'm being honest, I don't care when you touch me. Unless I'm specifically telling you to stop, which would be rare." Jared held (Y/N) by the bottom of his hips, giving him a soft squeeze.

"Wanna watch something together? I'm thinking we should spend today in." (Y/N) eagerly nodded at Jared's proposal, the both of them finally split from the hug. "I'll get some snacks, you pick a show."

Since (Y/N) was still a little shaken up from the way he woke up, the guilty remnants of what he had done, he took this short moment out of the bedroom to try calm his nerves. He tried doing some deep breathing, he tried having a drink. All that really did was make him have to pee. Luckily enough, browsing for a show to watch always takes a while with the couple, so (Y/N) didn't bother rushing through these emotions.

Pacing, around the lounge room and back to the kitchen. That little distance is what made him finally notice the paper envelope on the floor, it had been slipped under the front door. Bills? Some sort of medical records? What could it be? His mind was plucked of any negative emotions, only wonder remained. To (Y/N) was written on the back in cursive, clearly handwritten and not a font.

After carefully opening the thing without any tearing, he pulled out yet another love letter, still deeply confused. Because this one stood out from the usual letters he would receive from who he thought was his roommate, his boyfriend. "I'm not who you think I am." It read.

That phrase repeated in his mind, over and over.

Once he joined Jared in the bedroom, who had a smile on his face and the TV remote in his hand, the phrase was all that he could focus on. (Y/N) didn't take in any of the show in, his mind was going over every possibility of who the secret admirer might truly be. "Jared?"

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