0, 6.

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WORDS; 1,721.
TO; Yourself.
WARNINGS; Death mention, grief, non-sexual nudity, paranoia.

You couldn't say Wilbur was a bad roommate.  He never made you do chores, he argued that it isn't your place to be doing so since you're a guest.  He was often the one making meals, or helping to make them.  Even when he isn't the best cook.  And he never disrespected you.

Because he was so lovely, the feeling that you were overstaying your welcome grew.

And, another thing is that Wilbur did make some romantic gestures and moves. But you brushed that off as him being a touchy guy.

A day turned into a week, all that time you spent at his place.  You got to meet his roommate eventually, Wilbur had gave you some warnings about him.  "I apologise if he ever does anything odd."  And:  "Don't get too emotionally connected to him, he's dangerous."  But he was kind when you met him, you didn't see why Wilbur would be saying those things about him.  "Nice to meet you, (Y/N)!  I'm Damien."  He said, extending a hand to shake yours with a firm grip.

"I've heard a lot of good things about you..."  He teased, earning a swift shove from Wilbur.  "Shut up!"

You laughed at their scene, Wilbur looked like he was struggling to uphold his annoyed demeanour with the way he was eyeing you off.  His roommate was laughing too.  "So, Damien.  How long have you known this guy for?  Any warnings?"

"Oh, well we met in our first years here.  That was, how many years ago now?"  Damien glanced to Wilbur for an answer, "Two or three years?"

"Sounds about right."  He noted, nodding.  "And I do have some warnings..."  He added, overdramatising it by trailing off and making a lame evil pose for us all to laugh about.  Wilbur seemed nervous about this topic, but you were deeply curious.  "He's a major overthinker. Like, I've accidentally made him cry because I didn't say 'goodbye' before hanging up on him."  Wilbur let out an awkward laugh when he heard what Damien had to say.

"Aw~"  You hummed, making Wilbur blush hard and look away.  You pat his shoulder and went on, chatting away with his roommate.  He was a good listener.

Although on the eighth day of your stay, you woke up feeling particularly more sad about Jared's passing than other days.  It felt like it finally hit you that he isn't coming back.

Wilbur bursted into the room when he heard you crying, "Hey, hey, what's wrong...? Hey now..."  He spoke soothingly as he helped you to sit up in the bed.  "Talk to me."  You sniffled as he made this request.  "Jared's dead..."

"He's dead, and he's never coming back!"  You cried to him, holding him by his shirt when he pulled you in for a squeeze.  "Yeah...  I can't change that and I definitely won't be able to take any of this sadness away from you, so how about I do something for you instead?"  You nodded, curious to what he had planned.  "Stay here, I'll be a few minutes.  Want some tissues?"  You nodded again, watching as he ducked through the doorway to come right back with a box of tissues.  "Thank you."

You took one and tapped your tears away with it, by the time you looked back up, Wilbur was nowhere to be seen.  So you waited, and waited.

This gave you enough time to pause the water works and make yourself a bit more presentable, your nose was still warm and red, as were the bags under your eyes.  "Here we are..."  You heard Wilbur mumble to himself as he stumbled back in with a tray.  "Breakfast in bed today?"  He set the tray down beside your blanket covered legs and sat down at the foot of the bed so he could crawl to the opposite side of you.

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