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WORDS; 1,954.
TO; Himself.
WARNINGS; Kidnapping, mentioned animal abuse, murderous ideation.

Wilbur, despite his usual routine of slipping letters through the air holes in his locker, decided today was time for a change. This needed to be said.

He took a black pen to the so far unaffected whiteness of the paper, faltering over how to phrase this.  "I'm not who you think I am."  He wrote, grabbing for an envelope out of the stack he had on his computer desk and placing it down so he could carefully scribble down a name.  "To (Y/N)."

This was a plan he was going over since he first picked up such an intense desire to have (Y/N) for himself.  Some may call it obsession, but Wilbur knows it's just love at first sight.

You see, a mutual friend of theirs, Apollo, introduced him to (Y/N) briefly over text.  This is when he sent a screenshot of (Y/N) off of his social media, which prompted Wilbur to go through that, and whatever else he could find the boy on.  Something about him, and the description of (Y/N) was so alluring.

It dragged him in like a fish on a hook, the day that he wad finally able to meet him in person.  He felt his mouth swell shut and the air become thin, Wilbur realised how unprepared he was to meet him once and for all.  So, he watched the boy from a distance.  One that over exaggeratedly portrayed the height difference in the two of them, one that made it easy for him to hide behind a bush or blend in with a crowd if (Y/N) was ever to turn his head in Wilbur's direction.

The release back into water was cruel, yet relieving.  This distance helped Wilbur to learn about (Y/N)'s interests, hobbies, menu orders and so much more!

Sometimes he felt ashamed that he hadn't done this earlier.

Now, as he sealed the letter in the envelope with the solidification of his saliva, he could slip it into his bag alongside another one he had prepared for later.  It was five in the morning, Wilbur knows this boy's schedule can be all over the place, but one thing he knows for certain is that (Y/N) could never be up this early.  The latest he stays up to is four, and the earliest he's woken up at is six.  Five is when he would most probably be asleep, according to these statistics.

The hallways of the apartment complex were empty, though his thoughts were racing.  Perhaps (Y/N) would magically be awake and step out the moment he slipped this under the door?  As he neared that pale wooden door, anxiety came over him like a tsunami.

Wilbur stopped, now in front of the thing.  This blockade that contained his beloved, kept him prisoner with that bastard, Jared.

He felt his stomach turn as he bobbed down, lining the paper up with the crack of the door.  This is it.  He glanced around one final time, the runway was clear and he could bolt away from all the build up of stress and have an early breakfast before heading on campus to do overtime school work.

His fingers had to squeeze under the door to shove the letter in all the way, then he speed walked to the stairs and took a breath as he saw the last stair beneath his foot.  That went by faster than he thought.

It was only...  5:57AM already?!  Wilbur hurried out the glass doors and down the street to find whatever fast food joint had the budget to be open this late and took the cheapest thing off the menu, putting haste to his morning walk to the university campus as he chowed down on a greasy hash brown that was too hot on his tongue.

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