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WORDS; 2,121.
TO; Himself.
WARNINGS; Murder, graphic description of pain/violence, dead animals, obsession.
a/n: genuinely, this chaoter is kind of (very) messed up. i'll summarise it at the end for anyone who would rather skip all the gruesome action and get to the romance drama part which shoukd start soon enough !

He took a kitchen knife in his grasp, one which was dull from usage, hiding in his back pocket and tucked under his shirt as he stormed over to Apollo's apartment.  "Hey, mate!"  Wilbur spoke with a pretentious smile on.  "Wilbur!  What're you doing visiting at this —"  Apollo's sentence was interrupted by a sharp gasp and a cough following after it.

Wilbur retracted the knife by pushing Apollo back ward, he tumbled backward and tried to escape.  An animalistic fear had ignited in Apollo as he ended up crawling away, clenching his bleeding stomach.

Too shocked to even take in how much damage it was as he weakly closed the door, putting his body weight against it to block Wilbur's entrance.  "Why are you doing this to me?!  I've been helping you all this time and now you're betraying me!"

His shirt was ruined, but that was the least of his concerns when Wilbur was already attempting to open the door.  Each time he slammed up against the door by his shoulder, Apollo felt himself growing weaker.  His last resort was to hide, since he had cornered himself.

So, once Wilbur slammed against the door, it was time for him to enact his plan of getting in to the closet to hide between his clothing.

Wilbur had bursted in.  "Come out~"  He sung, breaking his focused silence that he had maintained up until now.  He dropped down to check under the bed, there was no one to be seen.  "I'll find you soon enough..."  Wilbur's tone became more menacing, his heavy footsteps approaching the closet.  Apollo shook as he watched Wilbur with wide eyes.

The two had locked eyes.  "Please —"  Wilbur dragged Apollo out by a handful of his shirt before he could let out any begs, pushing the guy into the mini fridge as he raise the kitchen knife above his head and penetrated Apollo's shirt and chest in various new spots, blood splattered onto Wilbur's clothing and he moved his hand up to prevent Apollo from screaming.

This was it.  Apollo was starting to see his life coming to an end, when he desperately tried to pull his phone out of his pocket to send a warning to his old friend, (Y/N), who Wilbur had likely indoctrinated by now.

Wilbur smacked the phone to the wall with a thud, laughing as he heard it crack.  "There's no saving you now~!"  He whispered manically, releasing Apollo to the floor and opening the mini fridge as he took a handful of the boy's hair.  "Wait —!"  Apollo squeaked, his shaking hands raising to Wilbur's wrists but falling limp as his neck was brutally crushed by Wilbur who repeatedly slammed the fridge door on him.

He waited until there wasn't a peep out of Apollo, only the scarlet pool of blood and cracking sound of his spine.  There was a horrible scent that prompted Wilbur to check inside of the mini fridge.

The sludgy feeling contaminated him as he dumped the retched meat over Apollo's face to find a red collar behind it all.  "Buddy?"  Wilbur read out the tag.  "Oh, right.  That's the dog Damien fostered."  He announced to the two piles of meat beneath him, things that were turned from lives to only a rotting mess.

Although Apollo had lived alone, no roommate and no one who was scheduled to visit him, he would likely be found.  The stench would infest the apartment walls and his neighbours will not be happy to learn what it is.  Wilbur laughed, cackled.  He couldn't stop it.  He plucked the knife out of Apollo's chest as if it was the filthiest tool that he didn't want to make physical contact with.  "You got all your mess on it...  Ewww..."  Wilbur stood up so he could spit on the mixture of Buddy and Apollo's corpses.  "Gross."

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