0, 7.

132 5 2

WORDS; 1,198.
TO; Myself (First-Person).
WARNINGS; Suicide mention/implication.

One morning, I managed to wake up before Wilbur, and probably before Damien could sneak out to do whatever mysterious shit he does.

It was 6AM and it was the middle of the week. I don't usually wake up this early because of my horrible sleep schedule, but due to Wilbur, I've been getting to sleep at progressively better times.  I'm not sure how much better or worse my sleep will get, because I've already found a new place to move in to.

I've become really fond of him, he's the greatest friend I could ever want. That's why it broke my heart when I stepped out from his bedroom to see him sleeping peacefully while a note laid by the front door.

My routine has turned to me checking the front door first thing every morning, and this is the first time in a while that I've seen a note. Has my secret admirer figured out where I am now? Has he been trying to send me letters for a long time? I hope he doesn't get madder now and end up killing these guys.

They're both the greatest friends I've made at this dumb university.  That's why I have to leave them sooner rather than later.

If I stay, then I would build up a connection with them.  All I need is a place to stay for the last month of my scholarship for good. Then I'll be out of here, I'll be free of my stalker. I pick up the note and see the familiar cursive font he writes in.

I pulled the letter open, careful to keep quiet as not to disturb the boy sleeping not too distant from me on the couch. "Dear future husband," Read the first line. "You will be mine. I'm getting closer to you already! I'm so glad to get to know you! You think you're avoiding me, but you are exactly where I want you, my love. I've gotten you away from your friends, I feel sick to say, but I am so proud of that. Alone, with a stranger. :)"

Reading through the note formed a painful knot in my stomach and I had to scrunch it into a ball before I quietly stormed off to collect my scattered things in a bag and toss the strap over my shoulder to carry it, glancing at Wilbur's face before passing by him.

I stopped.  I couldn't just leave him like that.  I turned back and hovered over him, seeing his eyes flicker open made me gasp.  "Wilbur...  Shh..."

I rubbed my thumbs over his eyes to force them back closed in a gentle way.  "(Y/N)?"  I hushed him again, then leaned in to plant a kiss on his forehead.  "Please just go back to sleep.  Thank you for everything."  I told him, watching as he relaxed into my touch with a guilty smile forming on my lips.  "Thank you."

The moment I backed away, Wilbur shot up off the couch and gave a pleading look.  "(Y/N), what are you doing?  Where are you going?"  His voice was husky and sleepy as he held himself sitting up.  "I have to leave.  I'm sorry."  I said, but that made him grab me by the wrist and drag me near him.  "Please, no...  Haven't I done enough?  I can be better, I promise!"

I wrapped my arms around him as he frantically begged and questioned me, allowing him to get it all out as I listened.  Just like he did for me.  "You can't do this to yourself...  Please, I won't let you."

"What?"  I questioned, since I had no clue what he was ranting about any more.  "I can't let you kill yourself."  My eyes widened and I laughed softly before putting my hand over my mouth.  "Shoot, what?  I'm so sorry, did I say something that made you think...  That?  What did I say?"  Wilbur let out a sigh of relief as he loosened up in the hug.  "The way you were thanking me made me worry."

"Oh! Well, sorry about that. Didn't mean to make you worry, it's just that I'm leaving. That isn't a metaphor, or anything. I'm going away from here." I explained, trying to pull away from the hug but he only held on tighter. "Why? Did I do something wrong, (Y/N)?"  I shook my head.  "Don't worry about it."

From the way he held on to me, I was just waiting to hear a crack.  "Please let go."  I asked softly.

"No! No...  Not yet..."  Wilbur blurted out before dropping his forehead into my ribs.  "Where will you go?"  He inquired, his voice breaking and I could just hear the upset in his tone.  I sighed.

"I won't go yet."  Wilbur darted his head up, smiling as tears ran down his face.  "Oh, goodness.  I didn't know it would affect you this much...  Let's just sit and chat for a bit, okay?"  He nodded in excitement, still staring up at me as I dragged my thumbs under his eyes to wipe away his tears.  "Thank you."

He repeated that a few times, his grasp loosening around me and I felt a wave of relief come over me from the more comfortable stance I had.

I sat down beside him on the couch.  "Listen, Wilbur,"  I saw it in Wilbur's eyes that I had his full attention.  "I don't think it's safe for me to stay here.  I just read a note from that creep of a secret admirer, he knows I'm here and he might get you like he got my boyfriend."

Wilbur expression soured and he wouldn't look at me anymore.  "But..."

"Maybe if you leave now, your secret admirer will get me?  Surely...  It would be better for you not to be alone, you would get miserable anyway...  And, I would miss you..."  Wilbur suggested, pausing like he was trying to hold himself from crying again.  "Will..."  I put a hand over his heart, pressing firmly so Wilbur would stay grounded.  "You can let it all out.  I know you're sad, because we've gotten so close over this past week...  That's why I have to leave you."

It hurt my heart to see him so distressed over this, he wouldn't say a word.  Wilbur only nodded in understanding before pulling me in for one last hug before he walked me to the door.

Our eyes locked together, there was a prolonged silence.  I thought maybe he would tell me one last thing, but he looked like he was waiting for me to reveal this was all some hurtful prank.  I left him, glad that I could hope for his safety from afar.  But I never did quite forgive myself.

FROM; (Y/N).
a/n: sorry for the short chapter. i hope the reference makes up for iy, i'll be trying to move this along faster since i want there to be a new arc every time the first number changes. 0, X is for the past, 1, X for moving on from the past, and whatever else comes after that!

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