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WORDS; 1,782.
TO; Yourself (Second-Person)
VOCAB; (S/C) = Skin Colour.

The disappearance of your boyfriend had entirely thrown you off.  You put the bag of chips you had ordered from the vending machine down on the kitchen counter as you repeatedly called for him, hoping that this was some twisted prank.

Nowhere to be found.  Not in his bedroom, not in your own, not in the kitchen, lounge room or the bathroom.  You couldn't try ring him, since he had left his phone on the bedside table.

After coming to your senses, you noticed the new envelope sitting on the pillow.  This one you didn't treat as well, you tore it, hoping for an answer as you frantically smoothed out the crumples in the paper until it was fine to read.  "To (Y/N), my darling boy."  The first line was already creepy enough for him to want to back out.  "You may be wondering what has happened, where your boyfriend is?  Well,"

"Jared is safe with me, for now."  That line brought a tear to your eye, you struggled to read through the blurred and wet vision and had to take a moment for yourself before continuing.  "I don't want you to worry about him anymore, my darling!  Not when I'm clearly the better choice.  What does he have that I don't?  Is he better than me?  Has he seen more to this life?  Can he smoke more?  Can he fuck more?  I don't care any longer.  I advise you not to look on the news tomorrow morning, darling.  I love you."

The bittersweet signature of a secret admirer made your head spin as the tears now spilled out of your eyes at the flooding thoughts of what may happen to you, the fear carried you out of the apartment like a wave of panic.  You pounded on Apollo's door, clenching the note so hard you worried it may rip in your palm.  "(Y/N) — Why are you crying?"

Apollo welcomed you into his apartment as if he didn't know what was going on.  Surely he had to be in on this, it isn't a joke anymore.  This is someone's life!

This is your boyfriend's life!  This needs to end now.

Apollo seemed as shocked as (Y/N) was when he read the note, going over it numerous times until the reality of this seeped into his mind like the dark ink on the paper.  Something that stained his mind and (Y/N)'s as they took a minute to hold each other.

"Um, you should stay over."  Apollo struck the silence with his suggestion, making you pull away from the hug in confusion.  "Wh — Why is that?"  You stammered out through a muffled sob.  "I don't know if it's safe for you to be out any more.  I can get stuff from your apartment for you, but I don't want you leaving here until this has cleared up."  (Y/N) shivered at this explanation, now realising how deep this mystery guy had dived into infatuation with how he was now plotting against your loved ones.

Who's next?  If it was your boyfriend first, then who else around you might he take down?  Is it really safe to stay here at all?  "(Y/N)..."

A pair of arms wrapped around you as you gasped for air as if you were fresh out of water, now coming back to reality as you had been tugged out of the deep end of a panic attack.  "I wish I could say it'll be okay, but I honestly don't know.  I told you there was something off about this guy!"

"Can you tell me who the hell he is now?!" This made Apollo fall silent. "Answer me!" His eyes filled with fear as he shook his head and tried to come back to the conversation. "No."

"What? Why not?" (Y/N) pushed, representing frustration in your tone. "I don't know what he might do to me."

Both kept up the silence, Apollo seemingly zoned out while you thought to yourself. "If you can't tell me, you can definitely tell the police. Right?" He asked, leaving a pause for anything out of Apollo, but all that came of that was the boy shaking his head as he held tears trapped in his eyes. "Listen... We don't even know if he's done anything yet. This guy might be all words but no action."

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