0, 5.

168 2 5

WORDS; 1,718.
TO; Himself.
WARNINGS; Obsession, murder mention.
VOCAB; (H/C) = Hair Colour, (H/L) = Hair Length, (H/T) = Hair Type.

"Oh dear..."  I can't lie, I was shot through the heart and sent far over the moon when (Y/N) asked to stay over at mine.  "It isn't always that easy.  It probably would have happened either way, so don't be thinking of 'what if' or anything like that, please." The brief moment passing so calmly, without me squealing and skipping around the room from the burst of joy he gave me... I was shocked that I was able to perform that.  "I could have —"

I stopped him right there by raising my hand to his jaw and putting a light upward pressure on him to force his cute, (S/C) lips closed for the time being. "Please.  It's already happened now, there's no going back.  Tell me what you're gonna do moving forward, not back." My thumb laid on (Y/N)'s lips and it felt like the perfect cushion to me. Where I belonged, where I wanted to meet my lips with and thoroughly introduce each other by.  All I could do is stare as I hid my infatuation behind a blank shell of myself.  "I'll graduate..."  (Y/N) started, my heart beat in my throat as I withheld the urge to lay kisses all over him.

"Then move away. Far, far away. So I won't have to be around that secret admirer freak ever again."  I smirked, it did hurt to hear the boy I've been admiring in secret unknowingly say this directly to my face. I did a celebratory clap in his favour as I stepped back from him and removed my hand from his skin, something that was enough to drive my heart crazy with desire. "You're so clever." I exhaled the words, feeling relieved and overjoyed to be breathing (Y/N)'s air. And even better, to already be one step ahead of him.

I guided the smaller boy toward the stairs with a hand on his back, taking him up two flights before pulling the key out from my pocket as we approached the door. "Home, home..." I pushed the door open as I smiled those words out my widened lips, allowing him to enter before me so I could close the door behind us and know for sure that he was safely and consensually locked up in my home, our home. I clicked the lock shut. "Shall I give you the tour? Or have you maybe seen a certain place like this before?"

That sweet laugh of his... I did end up giving him a pointer finger guide to which room is mine and which is my roommate's, but that was all.

I sunk into the comfort of the couch, humming softly as I rested my arms on the backs of the thing and laid my head back slightly. It felt far more comfortable being on this crappy old couch with someone I love than to be alone. I'll never have to be alone again with (Y/N) by my side!

And he must be getting used to me, even if he only knows me from one short interaction. Because he followed me in sitting on the couch, the back of his head resting against my hand. I want to run my hand through his (H/C) (H/T), I want (Y/N) to move closer and fall asleep in my touch...  I want to give him the best care he could ever imagine.

Might be a bit biased, from my perspective, since I'm honestly obsessed with this guy...  But I think his (H/L) suits his features so well.  I love how (Y/N)'s face looks with the extension of his hair to complete that handsome look.  I run my fingers up the back of his head, losing sight of my fingers in his (H/T).  He likes it, I can tell that for sure.

By now (Y/N) had leaned into my hand and rested his eyes closed, I had fully relaxed him with my touch alone.  Best of all, I get the best view of his adorable restfulness since we've still got a gap between us.

I would prefer to have him chained by the hold of myself, to feel his warmth against mine as I keep him where he belongs... But this works too. It's peaceful. "I've been thinking," I started, (Y/N) struggled to blink his eyes open, he must have been dozing off. I couldn't help but laugh. "This may be a little off topic, but you are really cute." (Y/N) glared at me in a playful way as he pouted, we both laughed together.

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