the beginning of the end.

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"I don't want to live a sad life..."

"I don't want to live a sick life..."



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When The Clouds Cry
[Beomgyu FF]

song recommendation:
"Slump" by Stray Kids.

[one]the beginning of the end.

"Whoa! Your legs..."

Taehyun couldn't help but shriek in concern. The older one tries to smile a little while putting on his socks.

"What about them?"

He asks, trying to sound unbothered even though he is kind of sure that something's wrong with him. He doesn't want to worry his friends and so, he tries to make it seem like he's completely fine. 

"Hyung, they look seriously swollen. Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

The older one throws the question in a made-up confused tone paired with furrowed eyebrows as he makes eye contact with Taehyun. Kai looks at Beomgyu's legs with serious expressions; something unusual for the youngest one among the five friends.

"Are you sure, hyung? Because not only your legs but also your ankles and feet also look swollen."

Kai drops the question while continuing to examine Beomgyu who gulps, feeling his throat drying up. He didn't want his friends to notice all of this. He starts to feel guilty and scared.

"Beomgyu-ah, you were complaining about fatigue today when we were walking into school. I think this is related to that. Why don't you sit out for today's practice? We can do it together some other time."

The captain of the school's volleyball team, Sooobin, suggests in an affectionate tone in an attempt to convince the outside hitter, who was quite stubborn and very dedicated. When it came to playing, many argued that he was one of the best players on the school team. So, when he starts to shake his head like a noddling doll refusing to miss even a day of practice before a major tournament, the captain doesn't become surprised, but he does become kind of disappointed. He sighs and looks at their oldest member who also happens to be Beomgyu's cousin. He's best friends with Soobin, and just by exchanging glances, they can say a thousand words to each other, and today's case is no different. Right when Soobin fixes his gaze on Yeonjun, he catches what the captain wants. So, he walks up to Beomgyu and takes a seat beside him. Rubbing the younger one's back, he speaks up affectionately.

"Gyu, sitting out for once would affect nothing. Take rest today. I promise I'll hit you up on my way back from hagwon and we can practice then."

"Hyung, please, don't do this. I promise nothing's wrong with me."

The boy pleads, starting to become emotional. The oldest looks at their captain with a confused gaze, feeling flustered to see Beomgyu tear up. Realizing that making him sit out won't improve things but rather do the opposite, Soobin sighs and decides to let their outside hitter play with much reluctance. If Beomgyu hadn't become so emotional, he'd have kept him out of practice till he said he felt fine.

"Ok, fine. You're practicing with us but be careful."

Beomgyu nods with a huge grin, making the others chuckle a bit. Soobin turns around to clap and grab the attention of the 7 other players. One of them would usually play as the captain of the other team during practice sessions and as a settler on the main team during competitions.

"Ok, boys! 5 minutes left till practice starts! Finish getting ready!"

"Ay ay, captain!"

Jeongin, the settler of the main team and one of Beomgyu's friends shouts in a goofy tone, making everyone in the locker room laugh. Finally, after around 3 minutes, they all finish getting ready and leave the locker room. They fix the court, put up the net, and bring the volleyball from the basket containing all sorts of balls needed during P.E. classes, and right when they finish getting everything set, the middle-aged P.E. teacher arrives and smiles, looking at the boys getting ready to practice. 

"You guys got ready so fast? Brilliant! Let's start now!"

The teacher says and they all nod. He gets ready as the referee, and as soon as he blows the whistle, Soobin sends the first shot, aiming at a weak player from the other team who, surprisingly, sends the ball back. The captain smiles, realizing that they've improved a lot. The game becomes intense with no one being able to score. They just keep running inside the court, hoping to be able to score. With much surprise, Yeonjun begins to notice that their most energetic player, Beomgyu, is barely energetic today. He's barely moving yet he's sweating as if he just showered. Worried, the older one keeps glancing at his cousin during the game, hoping that Beomgyu will be able to hold himself together till the end of the practice session. Meanwhile, Beomgyu could feel dizziness taking over him, making everything blurry. He tried to stop and catch a breath, wanting to stabilize his irregular heartbeats, which made him feel like he was going to pass out any moment now. He could feel his whole body trembling like never before. He starts panting and coughing loudly, feeling like he can't take it in any longer. A sharp and unbearable chest pain claims its place amongst all the complications he was already facing as if those weren't enough. Unable to take in the pain, he grabs his chest as sweat begins to drip from his hair. 

"Beomgyu, dodge the ball! Beomgyu!"

The coach shouts as soon as Beomgyu stops on his steps, trying his best to breathe, hoping it'll help him feel better. For some reason, he could barely breathe. He inhales with his whole chest, and yet he continues to inhale and exhale heavily, unable to regulate his breaths. He looks up to catch the ball since he can vividly hear the coach screaming, but he fails to see the ball because of how blurry his vision has become. Yeonjun quickly assesses the situation and realizing that if he doesn't do anything, Beomgyu will end up in the hospital with a concussion, he jumps in front of the younger one, blocking his way, and as soon as the ball comes near him, he sends it back to the opponent team and turns around to face Beomgyu who could barely stand. Even though he had never touched a drink, it looked like he was tipsy. Realizing that something has probably happened to one of their best players, everyone else stops playing immediately. Beginning to feel worried, the coach starts to walk up to the sick boy.

"Beomgyu, are you ok?"

Yeonjun asks in a restless and worried tone, hoping he'd be able to receive a nod at least. Beomgyu, hearing his cousin, tries to smile and nod but just as he delivers a weak smile, everything in front of him suddenly goes black.
He begins to fall, about to hit the hard cold ground. The oldest one's eyes go wide in shock. He reacts in a split second and grabs the younger one immediately by placing his hand under his head and holding his hand tightly. He sits on the ground with Beomgyu's unconscious body in his arms and begins to slap him slightly on his cheeks, hoping for some kind of response.

"Gyu! Gyu, it's me! It's Yeonjun hyung! Please, open your eyes!"

He pleads desperately; worry and panic reflecting through his voice.

"Someone call an ambulance quickly!!"

He shouts, looking at all the other people in the room.

"I left my phone in the locker room! I-I'll go and call the ambulance!!"

Taehyun sprints to the locker room, followed by Kai. Soobin rushes to Beomgyu's side. He sits beside the younger one and grabs his left wrist to check his pulse, hoping and praying with all his heart that he'll get it...

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