"Let's make a deal. I'll make you happy and teach you to live life to the fullest within three months and if I fail, I'll not stop you from doing what you want."
I take a suspicious glance at her with squinted eyes, trying to figure out if she's ser...
A/N POV The sun had already set, and the moon was now out, lighting up the night sky. It had been close to 10 hours since Beomgyu had been brought to the hospital. He was barely conscious and was kept in a cabin with a nurse attending to him 24/7. Needless to say, things weren't looking so hopeful. Skipping school, all the boys had decided to accompany their friend to the hospital to stay by his side. They were all currently waiting in front of the office of Dr. Kang; the chief doctor of the medical board that was almost immediately formed to treat Beomgyu. Taehyun anxiously paces around his father's office, wondering what the adults could be discussing behind the closed doors. Soobin stands in his place, trying his best to stay calm while Kai busily continues to pick up or decline all the calls from teachers, staff, and students coming on Beomgyu's phone which he had in hand now. Yeonjun, being the only adult amongst them, was inside with his uncle and aunt. He was standing a little far from Beomgyu's parents, leaning against a wall. He was trying his best to hide his restlessness but his fidgety acts and furrowed eyebrows gave away the fact that he was worried and anxious about his cousin's health. When he lost his parents at age 8, this uncle and aunt of his took him and he's been living with them since. Other cousins to him were just cousins but Beomgyu? He was a whole different case. He was a brother to Yeonjun. He was someone Yeonjun vowed to protect with his life if needed. He was like a brother to him.
"Mr. and Mrs. Choi, are you familiar with the term "cardiomyopathy"?"
Dr. Kang, Taehyun's father, finally ends the long silence. The worried and lost parents exchange confused glances, wondering what it could be. Yeonjun catches the word and his mind starts rummaging through memories from middle school. He had a classmate whose older sister passed away because of this disease when she was only 16. From what he knows, this disease is lethal. His eyes go wide in shock. He could feel his heart starting to race. He holds his breath, looking at Dr. Kang with eyes about to pop out in shock. He was hoping and praying like he had never done before just to listen that Beomgyu wasn't carrying such a lethal disease... Dr. Kang realizes that the parents have no idea about what it is. He sighs and proceeds to elaborate before he's questioned about it.
"It's a group of heart disease of cardiac muscles that makes it harder for the heart to pump blood to the rest of the body It's one of the leading causes of death in people under 18. Beomgyu has Dilated Cardiomyopathy and it's far worse than I imagined. His left ventricle is larger than it should be in size. It's a birth defect. I don't know how it went unnoticed for so long and my best guess is that he got it from Mrs. Choi since it's hereditary and Mrs. Choi, I've heard that you were diagnosed with this disease a few years ago after a heart attack which means, your disease went undiagnosed for long enough. However, the case of Beomgyu is far worse given that it reached an advanced stage before he even reached adulthood. This disease can cause cardiac arrest and heart failure. After studying the reports with my colleagues, we've concluded that he has very little time to live but we can't tell exactly how much. Till then, we'll have to put him on medication and keep him in the hospital because no one knows when his condition will get worse. So, he has to be kept under observation always. We'll try our best to find a suitable donor, but I have to tell you that heart donors are rare to find, and it's even rare to have their tissues match. So, please, pray for him. We'll..."
The doctor continues to explain everything to the parents which just goes over Yeonjun's head.
"No! It can't be! Beomgyu can't have such a disease! How on earth did he get it?! It's such a rare thing!"
He repeatedly keeps shouting the words at himself silently, wanting to believe this was some hellish nightmare. Tears start to fill his eyes. Unable to take it anymore, he stomps out of the doctor's office. As soon as he comes out, the three other boys shoot their heads up and look at him, asking hundreds of questions just through their gazes. Yeonjun doesn't even bother to look at any of them. He sloppily walks to a seat and plops there, starting to feel lightheaded. Burying his face in his hands, he breaks down; shocking the boys. They immediately grasp the fact things are anything but ok... Soobin quickly takes a seat beside Yeonjun and pulls the older one into a comforting, warm, and tight hug while caressing his hair. Yeonjun hugs his best friend back and continues to cry.
"Out of everyone, why Gyu? What's his fault? What has he done to receive such punishment? Why can't it be me?"
He somehow speaks up through his loud cries; resentment and anger echoing in his voice. Soobin sighs, hearing Yeonjun's words, and starts to prepare himself for the worst. Tears start to claim their presence in his eyes as soon as he begins to think about a life without having the group's mood maker around, annoying the life out of the oldest and making them laugh almost always. Taehyun gulps, starting to fear that things have reached the extreme point and can never be turned ok again. Kai sits in his place, baffled. He refuses to believe that something bad has happened to his hyung. Couldn't it just be that his reports got mixed up with someone else's? Was it that impossible? As everyone was nothing less than devastated and lost because of everything that had been happening, Beomgyu was in his hospital bed, connected to wires of monitors, semi-conscious and unaware of the upcoming events that were going to turn around the course of his life...