can't a lie become the truth?

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"I don't want to live a sad life..."

"I don't want to live a sick life..."



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When The Clouds Cry.[Beomgyu FF]

song recommendation:
"Regulus" by Onewe

[four]can't a lie become the truth?

Beomgyu POV

"Do you feel better now, young man?"

One of the senior doctors asks as I put down the glass of water, starting to breathe normally finally. I nod and start feeling guilty for shouting at them earlier. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have let my emotions take control of me like that but... how was I supposed to react after knowing death is waiting on my doorstep? I just lost it! I just couldn't control myself.

"I'm sorry because of how I reacted earlier. It was very disrespectful of me..."

I apologize, almost mumbling. Everyone present smiles a little. The young resident doctor who had stayed behind pats me on the back.

"It's ok, buddy. We understand how you feel. If I were in your place, I would've probably set the whole place on fire by now. Compared to me, you can control your temper very well."

Everyone present chuckles, hearing him. Even I giggle a bit, hearing his words. They weren't that funny but the way he said the words made them sound hilarious.

"Beomgyu-ah, I've never seen you any different than my son. You and Taehyun are the same for me. I understand how you're feeling right now but I assure you that you'll be able to go back to living a perfectly normal life without any complications. Please, just give us some time. I promise we'll make sure you're able to live a normal life very soon. Let's send you to your cabin for now."

Dr. Kang says, looking at me with a smile before he removes his gaze from me and looks at one of the nurses in the room. His words, I can't tell if they are actually true but they sound assuring and I want to believe him. Most diseases have a few types. My illness probably does as well and maybe the one I have isn't the fatal one... Maybe there really is a cure...

"Mr. Jung, please take him back to his cabin."

The nurse who was probably in his late 30s; I'd assume, nods and comes close to me, and holds my wheelchair with a smile before beginning to push it.

Meanwhile: In the Conference Room. (A/N POV)

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking, wasn't that a lie you just told that boy?"

The male resident doctor asks. Dr. Kang tries to smile a bit before replying.

"Jaejoon, let me teach you one more thing about being a doctor. We suggest palliative care and counselling to our patients who're about to pass away and we try our best to make their last days as less painful as possible. We basically make them accept fate but have you noticed one thing? Most patients who we treat like this are people who have tried all sorts of methods and haven't gotten any results. We step in with palliative care and counseling during the last stage, don't we?"

The young physician nods, unable to understand what his professor was trying to say.

"And this boy's life has barely begun. The way he reacted just by hearing that he has cardiomyopathy... Do you think he'll be able to accept it if we tell him that death is two steps away from him? He'll die on the spot, Jaejoon. He'd dive into depression and if he's unhappy, he'll die sooner than you'd expect. It's a known fact that your mental condition affects your physical one. We can't reveal to him right now about the things that can happen in the future. We'll have to take things slowly. I can't even how much pain he is in right now. I honestly feel so bad for him..."

Dr. Kang ends his words with a long sigh. Silence falls upon the conference room as everyone's mind flocks to recall an incident that happened not even a year ago; similar to this one. It was the case of the neurology department but everyone knew about it...

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