The end of the beginning

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Dr.Js perspective

The students brought Tom back late. He was tucked up in his push chair, tiger under his arm asleep. I pushed him back to his room and unstrapped him and changed him out of his clothes ready for bed. I held him close, knowing this would be the last time in a long time I'll be able to do this. They were coming for him in the morning. I tried all day to convince them that this procedure wasn't necessary but they didn't listen. It was going to kill me. I laid him in bed. He was so peaceful. Everything was already in action. His family had signed the papers and were also coming in the morning to watch him go. I stared at him for a while before leaving, knowing I'll be in trouble if they found me with him in the morning. He breathed softly. I liked to believe he was happy. I wanted him to keep being happy. I wanted to steal him so he could be with me forever. But I didn't have a chance. I took once glance looking back at him before shutting the door knowing this would be the last time before everything changed.


I didn't sleep last night, I couldn't. My mind was too anxious. I didn't even undress I just sat in my chair playing with toms pacifier thinking of him. Morning came sooner then I wanted it to. I met with the other doctors before waking Tom.

"Are you ok jay" Dr.M Phillips asked

Are you joking I thought. I felt like death. Dr.Phillips being the lead on this experiment. The backbone to someone impenetrable suffering. I glared at him.

"It's not too late micheal, you don't need to do this. There are other options" I said

"Jay, nothing is working thus far. The parturition contrivance has been tested and is known to be successful"

"Among animals Micheal! Not humans!" I shouted

"Until now james! that's why we need him. It could change the face of history! We're in times of life where we can make these large jumps. Everything is ready. You knew this would eventually be an option. You supported it for so long. Why is it when we find the exact person we need. That we planned for! We can't use it! " he grabbed my arm. "All our work jay, it's on this"

He was unbelievable. Completely mad. The actual ethics board even agrees to this which shows the level of pure madness. Toms family are mad for signing the documents. I was just in pure disbelief. I couldn't do anything anymore. Many doctors had travelled just to watch the beginning of our experiment. I was either going to be there to support Tom or not. I needed to be there for him.
I pulled away from Dr.Phillips. He stood there...emotionless.

"Atleast allow me to wake him. Please!" I pleaded

"Do what you must but be quick. It's beginning soon" he replied

I practically ran to toms room and burst in. He woke startled.

"The fuck is wrong with u man! I was asleep!"

"Tom I'm sorry!" I was panting almost in tears, holding his face while he sat. "I tried everything but I couldn't stop it! Please forgive me! I never wanted this to happen"

I clung onto him. He just sat, confused and scared. He shoved me back.

" the fuck you on about?! What's happening?"

"Tom they're going to..."

*knock knock knock*

My heart pulsated. We both stared at the door. We both got up. Tom tearing off his dirty nappy and quickly wiping himself of and putting on his baggy white top then went to the door and opened it. I just stood frozen. Knowing what was about to happen. I heard muffles then Tom screaming fuck off before trying to slam the door. 2 big men stopped him and dragged him out. Outside were his family (older brother and sister and younger brother) the students and about 15 other well known doctors. The 2 big men trying to get a grasp over Tom. He was fighting them. Dr.Phillips began pulling out his syringe. Tom terrified tried getting out anyway he could before 1 of them grabbed him. His arm, over toms right shoulder leaning down and grabbing his left arm. Tom's right arm waving frantically. The man's other hand under the back of toms leg, holding the top middle of his thigh. His legs were split. Exposing his soft naked genitalia to the spectators around him. His baggy top covering the wrong side of his dignity. He screamed and fought profusely until they injected him in his neck and administered the drug. He carried on fighting and screaming for a few seconds before his movements slowed and the screams went from loud to soft. His body slowly flopping like a rag-doll the man's arms manoeuvring Tom's body to being cradled instead. The audience around him relaxed slightly. I personally felt like I had been hit by a bus. Toms painful soft cries echoed through the corridor we walked down. Him and the man at the front, followed by the doctors, family, then me. We entered the room we were in yesterday and Tom was placed on the clear plastic crib his T-shirt now just be able to cover him . He looked terrified, shaking. He stared at me expecting me to do something but there was nothing I could do. His family tried comforting him but he just looked confused why they were there. They pushed him over to the watering station and removed his top. They covered him with cold water and masked nurses began scrubbing him all over, preparing him. He distortedly screamed while trying to dodge sponges coming his way but he slipped and slided all over the smooth plastic crib. Latex gloved hands pulling his limbs in all directions to get each Kravis. He gasped for air each time they dipped their sponges in for more cold water then smacking it back on his body. The crib centre had a plug below Toms back and water evacuated from there. After they were done washing him, he lay there curled into a wet naked ball sobbing, shaking. Trying to speak but only babyish babbles came out. The moved him closer the parturition contrivance. The flesh coloured balloon poised at the bottom of the sphered tank. Pipes and wires sprawling everywhere on-top. Everyone but his family put on their lab coats, masks and latex gloves in unison. They pushed his crib into the middle of a large warm light. He was blinded by this as he didn't see the men coming from either sided to restrain his wrists down to the crib. Everyone moved away from him and stood behind windowed plastic walls staring at the wet, screaming naked boy in his crib. His wrists above his head. His eyes shut due to the baring light. There was silence, only to here is slight wailing. A sound of machinery slowly came from above our heads coming from the parturition contrivance. Something long and thin was being transported above our heads and began swinging far above toms body. We watched it swing while other doctors vigorously typed on their iPads controlling the strange swinging object. Tom confused trying to focus on what is was. His legs covering up what they could to hide his shame. With a loud mechanical screech the long thin almost rope type of thing transcended down towards toms body. It almost looked alive. It was a dark peach colour, bumpy and slimy. It swung gently down then stopping about a metre above toms stomach. He stared in horror. Out of the bottom of the bumpy peach colour skinned rope 3 thick what looked to be purple veins appeared. Slimy aswell. It looked alive as is swirled around his stomach. Almost like it was sniffing. The veins squelched down, all waving around his stomach. looking. They reached toms belly button and began stroking it slowly, coving it with they thick slim. Tom was screaming and panting trying to get away from it. The veins heads laying firm against his belly button. Out of the peach skin covering came more black veins comings down, gliding themselves around the muscle outlines of toms stomach, groin and ribs. Tom began panicking as the thicker veins began pressing firmly against his belly button forcing their way in to inside him. Tom lay his head back, his spine curved almost like he was possessed and the force of the spirit was entering him. The black veins slowly making their way around the creases on his inner groin downwards towards his buttocks, around his thighs working then around the back of his body and up his torso to his neck. The purple veins went deeper into him and the rest of the peachy lumpy covering began attaching itself around the rim of his belly button. Tom pulsated and moaned. The black veins began seeping back in the peachy casing. Tom lay there screaming but slowly his screams went virile to a innocent infantile cry. He lay back, damp and exhausted. We stared watching Tom, with this thing coming out of him. A doctor next to me whispered...

"The umbilical cord has been attached."

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