Bright Green

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Ray stared out the window of the school hallway, admiring the bright green trees. Bright green was the only color he'd been able to see since birth. It did look odd, being the only color in the world of black and white. He was pretty sure his eyes were a darker color, and he was also pretty sure his hair was black, but he couldn't be sure. That's what his father told him, at least. Apparently he took after his mother, but again, he couldn't be sure. He wasn't too sure what his mother looked like, as it'd been years since he last saw a photo. 

The school bell rang, deafening him and pulling him out of his trance. He walked back into his class across the hallway and saw a girl with really short lighter hair and bright green eyes at the front of the classroom. She sat in front of where his seat was supposed to be, and she looked like one of those weird, peppy girls that pissed Ray off. He sighed. This wasn't going to be a fun year, was it? As he walked to his seat, he noted that the girl was the only one in the classroom with bright green eyes.

Ray sat down in his seat behind the short haired girl, who turned around to face him. "Hi! I'm Emma, what's your name?" Ray was already socially done for the year just by her tone. "I'm Ray. Nice to meet you." He held out his hand, doing his best to be polite. "Nice to meet you! I look forward to the rest of the year with you. I hope we can become friends!" She shook Ray's hand with vigor. I think the fuck not. Ray bitterly thought, pulling his hand away.

Ray closed his eyes and sighed, he didn't want to touch or talk to anyone else for the rest of the year if he had to. Ray was a socially awkward introvert through and through.

When he opened his eyes, the world was full of color. Emma's hair was a bright orange, the desk was a light brown, and everything was... so beautiful

That's when it occurred to Ray. The world only becomes full of color when you meet your soulmate, and he just met the girl in front of him. Emma, was it?

Ray slammed his head on his desk and internally screamed. 

FUCK THIS!!!!!!!

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