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The bell rang again, demanding that Ray returned to his class. He was a bit sad, as he didn't really get to talk with Emma as much as he would've liked. Once again, he payed little attention to what his teacher was saying.

That Norman guy seemed nice... He drifted into thought. He stared at a potted plant on the teacher's desk. The flowers were a beautiful orange, is what Ray was pretty sure the color was called. The stem was a beautiful bright ebony as well.

Colors are so beautiful...

He repeated in his thoughts once more. Who wouldn't be awestruck?

The bell rang, snapping Ray out of his thoughts. Ray's head jerked in surprise, and he looked at the time. I guess it's time to go home...

He stood up, grabbing his bags, and walked out the sliding door. The raven haired boy was eager to get home, to the warmth of his bed. Also his father cooked the best meals in his opinion. When he was at the school entrance, he saw Emma humming a tune and walking alone, her grey skirt gently moving in the light breeze. Her curly sunset-colored hair blew against her neck, making her look "Stunning.." Ray murmured.

Emma turned around, grinning brightly and tucking a lock of orange hair behind her ear. "Oh, hi there Ray! Wanna walk home with me? Eleanor and Norman went on ahead without me." She sighed, pretending to be utterly offended at the end of her sentence. Ray chuckled, "Sure, why not? Where do you live? I'll drop you off first." "On the intersection between Legravalima and Bayon. House 63194, I'm pretty sure." "Wait. Did you just move in?" "Creep. How'd you know?" "Hello there, new neighbor." Ray replied, shock on his face.

"Say what?"


Ray and Emma walked home together in a peaceful silence, and arrived at their houses, that were right next to each other. Ray laughed quietly and said, "See you tomorrow at school, Emma." "See you!"

Ray walked into his house and dropped his bag by the front door, sighing. "Dad, I'm home!" Leslie came rushing to the front door and smiled, his light hair bouncing. "How was it?" He asked, obviously excited to hear about his son's day. "I met my soulmate." "SERIOUSLY?! I mean, ahem- You did? I'm very proud of you, son." He said, with a fake deep voice. Ray burst out laughing and hugged his father, who tightly embraced him back.

"I'm so proud of you. Now, tell me what he or she is like?" "He?" "Gotta have an open mind!" "Fair point. She's very peppy and excited and loud. But totally cute." "Wow, I was not expecting someone like that. I think they call them Gyarus in anime...?" "No, because she's flat as a board. But I totally wasn't expecting it either."

"Ray, don't judge women based off their cup size." Leslie attempted to be serious, but was filled to the brim with laughter. "I know I know.... Just saying the truth."

Leslie laughed and led Ray to the kitchen, "I'm making your favorite, so sit tight okay? Tell me all about your day, okay?"

"Sure, dad."

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