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Ray sat on the couch, his head on Emma's shoulder as she pet his hair awkwardly. They were watching The Study Case of Vanita on the television while Leslie was at work for a night shift. This had become a regular occurrence for the two.

Emma opened a small box of sugar cookies and stuffed a blue one in Ray's mouth, "New snack load. Haven't eaten in an hour." Ray bit down on the cookie, slowly eating it as he enjoyed Emma's hand toying with his raven hair. He was almost purring like a cat, but he'd never show his cat side to Emma.

Emma handed him a bag of chips, watching the glowing screen intensely. It was getting to a fight scene after all. Emma sighed. "Mappa and Demon Slayer really have spoiled us." Ray nodded, his mouth full. "When will your dad be back home." "Around midnight." "Think we can stay up that late?" "It's a school night." "We can call in sick. And watch more anime." "Sure. I'd like to greet my dad anyways." Emma smiled and hummed. She could definitely tell that despite his complaints, Ray definitely had a soft spot for his father.

Am hour later of snacking, Ray heard the front door unlock, and Leslie quietly saying, "I'm home!" Followed. Ray paused the anime and ran to the front door, hugging Leslie. "Welcome home. Go shower and then sleep, since you still have to work in the morning." Emma smiled and stood by Ray. Leslie waved at her sweetly, "Oh hi, Emma! And don't worry Ray, I'll go straight to bed." Ray scoffed."Back to bed my ass, you'll watch TV all night." Leslie rolled his eyes. "Fine. You caught me."

He walked upstairs and Ray could hear him fumbling around and getting dressed. Satisfied, he turned back to Emma and asked, "Want to spend the night?" She shook her head. "I'd love to, but my father's waiting for me at home, all serious, and he'd never forgive me if I spent the night a boy's house he hadn't met." "Oh you got one of those fathers." "Yeah... I should actually head back home now, so good night!"

Emma grabbed her bag and walked to the front door. She kissed Ray's cheek and walked out, "See you later.." Ray held his cheek where Emma had kissed and murmured, "See you later.." but she was already gone.

His face burned, and his palms felt slightly sweaty. His internal screaming was incredibly loud the entire time he got ready for bed and forced himself to fall asleep.

Emma, on the other hand, when she got home, Yuugo was there waiting for her with a coffee and he sat in his office chair at the front door. "Hi, father." She greeted, smiling back her anxiety at the protective-parent-energy.

Yuugo sipped his coffee, "Where were you?" "With a friend...?" "What's with the questioning tone? And this late? Don't tell me.... Was it a guy?" "Don't know, yes, and yes." Emma checked off his questions on her fingers. Yuugo dramatically gasped, "Who's the guy?! Don't tell me you're going out with him! Have I met him? What's he like?" Yuugo bombarded the girl with questions.

"Uhhh.... Ray from my class, he's also our neighbor to the left. We've been dating for about a week... Hmmm... No you haven't met him, but he's been in our house. And last question, he's incredibly sweet and respectful, but he can be a bit intense about his hobbies sometimes, and he loves his family, and he likes cats." "Is he your soulmate?" Yuugo asked, his face was soft and his voice did have real concern in it. "I wouldn't want you to fall in love with someone who wasn't your soulmate." He explained. Emma smiled softly, "He is.."

Yuugo wrapped his arms around his small daughter and he pet her hair gently. "Then I'm happy for you. But I still want to meet him!" The protective-parent-energy came back.

Emma chuckled, "In the morning, I'll bring him over for breakfast. How's that sound?" "Good. I'll tell your dad to make an extra waffle." "Alright." Emma walked up the stairs and changed into a plain black t-shirt and black shorts, and got into bed, feeling peaceful.

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