Colors of the world

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Ray looked up from his desk, glaring daggers at the bright haired girl in front of him. He didn't want some bright peppy girl as his soulmate. No way. Not a chance. When he snapped out of his thoughts, he saw Emma glaring at him right back. She passed him a note, avoiding pissing off the teacher in the front of the class. The note read, 'I know you're my soulmate. Talk after class'. To Ray's surprise, her handwriting was clean and easy to read. He scribbled the words, 'We'll just pretend that never happened, so fuck off'. and passed the note back. Emma read it and grumbled. She turned back to face Ray, who shrugged, an annoyed look on his face.

When class ended, about four holes burned into the back of Emma's head from Ray's angry staring later, Emma grabbed Ray's arm and pulled him out of the classroom. "Hey-! Wait! I already told you to forget it and fuck off!" Ray shouted at the girl. He internally noted that she was much shorter than him. Like, at least 15 centimeters shorter than him (roughly seven inches in case you're wondering).

"So why are you my soulmate?" Emma hissed under her breath, making sure that only the raven haired boy could hear. "I don't fucking know. Some universe bullcrap or something?" Ray scoffed. "So can we pretend we don't exist to each other?" "No because people have tried doing it, and it didn't work. Ever look at those studies?" Emma shook her head. "They'd take two soulmates who recently met, and then have them pretend the other didn't exist, but they kept getting drawn together or something like that. It's some stupid sappy romance shit." "Do you always swear this much?" "It's a habit I'm not in the mood to break." Ray sighed and leaned against the wall, covering his face with his hood and stuffing his hands in his pockets. 

Emma leaned against the wall with him and questioned, "What will we do, then? If we're destined to be a 'couple' or something. No offense, but I don't want to date a random stranger, even if I was basically born for him." "Same here. Well, let's just do it like a normal romantic couple would, and then just forget about the universe shit. So, let's be friends, Emma." Ray smiled. Emma returned the expression. "Glad to be your friend, Ray!" "Mind if I say something, then?" "Hm?" "You're short. Like, really fucking short. It's almost hilarious." "And you're an emo jerk who has no mouth filter." Ray gasped, offended.

He chuckled slightly and stared at the window. "So the sky really is blue, huh?" "It's beautiful."

"So beautiful."

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