1- Purpose

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(This story started off with the character as "F/N L/N". Upon survey, she was given the name "Lutea Iram". This is context for if you see any mistakes. Please let me know! Also, you will see chapter 14-15 is my Author's note on this change. Enjoy reading!)

You straightened your shirt and patted down your skirt. Was your hair okay? Was this outfit appropriate?

It's been awhile since you saw Professor Sharp, but it feels like you were a student again, arriving for the first time.. You inhaled slowly, and then exhaled. You softly knocked on the door and poked your head in.

"Professor Sharp?"


Sharp, looking through a pile of essays in his office, sets them down and stands up. His stern demeanor is immediately evident; his face square, and his bushy brows are furrowed into a scowl. His voice is deep, and his tone is gruff and severe. The man hasn't changed.

"It's nice to see you again, Professor."

You walk forward, hands cupped together in front of you, you never knew what to do with your hands.

"Ah, Miss Iram, I've been expecting you."

Professor Sharp unevenly walks over to you to meet you halfway. You were older now, but somehow Sharp still towered over you even with his limp.

"It's nice to see you again. The Ministry sent you, correct?" 

You nod. Sharp gestures his hand to his desk, signaling you to sit down.

"I will admit, I am not one to need assistants or interns in my work, but as you know since Ranrok some of the ingredients needed for basic potions are a bit harder to find, and Hogwarts is growing with fresh students."

He limped to his chair as he spoke, a cane could be seen leaning against the wall, but Sharp only used it when the pain was at its' worst.

"I was surprised to hear you were the one who accepted the position. After graduation I expected you to...well....I'm not sure. With your history and skills, I imagined the ministry would have had many offers for you."

You nodded as he spoke, your face still, but your hands gripping onto your skirt.

It was true, after graduation many people had high expectations for you, but you have no direction. You decided to take some time to figure that out, working with the ministry in different fields to see what peaked your interest. Animals were always a passion. Defense against the Dark Arts would have been a given. Even shop keeping was considered. You weren't ready to make a long term decision yet, so here you were with your former professor.

"To be frank, Professor Sharp, I never put thought into my future when I was a student. After Ranrok, my focus was to catch up on my studies with everyone else. After that..." You trailed off, not knowing how to finish your sentence.

Sharp leaned forward, his elbows on the table and his chin resting on his hands. He nodded and had a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Usually I'd scold a student for not thinking about their future in detail, however given your circumstances, it is understandable."

You let out a small sigh, you didn't realize you were holding your breath until then.

Sharp leaned back, collecting some things on his desk as he spoke.

"Tell me, what has the ministry told you about the position?"

"I would be helping you with various things, but the focus is to assist you in collecting ingredients for your classes. If needed, I may also help you in lecturing your classes. The purpose is to assist you and to learn more about the potions as I go."

Without looking up, Sharp nodded and continued his questions.

"I seem to remember you did well in my classes, have you practiced potions since you left?"

You shrink into yourself slightly.

"No, sir, not as of recent. I've been trying to find out my direction with the ministry. However, I still believe I can be a great help."

Sharp's eyebrows furrow again, you can't tell if it's because of your answer or the paper he was examining. After a long pause, Sharp placed the parchment down and leaned back into his chair, arms crossed as he looked over.

"Why are you here, Miss Iram?"

"What? -I"

"Let me rephrase, I know about why you've arrived today. But tell me, why did you come?"

Sharp is staring into your eyes now, there is a silence that seems to be deafening to you, and Sharp tilts his head waiting for your response.

"I...I want to find my purpose." You found yourself answering. "I may be talented and strong, but what is the point if I have no clear goals? I can not live as 'The Hero of Hogwarts' forever."

Sharp is silent, still staring at you. You begin to fidget, not knowing what his thoughts were, or why he was staring the way he was. After a moment Sharp nodded and grabbed a piece of paper, quickly writing something down before handing it to you.

"Those are the main ingredients I am having difficulty finding. I would appreciate you if you could acquire them, but please, do not put yourself into any danger to do so."

He stood up swiftly and limped over to a shelf, using his finger to look through book spines until he pulled one out.

"After you are finished, read this and take note. This book contains the potions you've learned, but also potions too dangerous for students. As you are no longer a student, it is in your best interest to learn these for your own sake and knowledge."

You quickly take both parchment and book into possession, letting your bag open and summon the items inside.

"Take your time in collecting the ingredients and reading the book. There is no hurry and I rather things be done safely and correctly, rather than quickly. Proficiency and potions are two things that can not be rushed, have patience, and be thorough."

You try to bite your smile, he said that same line in class all those years ago, it seems some things just never change.

"Thank you, Professor Sharp. I'll get started right away."

You get up and begin to leave, but Sharp raises his hand to get your attention.

"One more thing, Miss Iram." He started, looking through the books on the shelf. "One does not need to know all the answers right away. Honesty to oneself and an open mind is a good start. I trust you will be fine in your efforts, despite the feeling of being lost."

You stood still, looking at the professor with wide eyes. Sharp looks over and gives you a small nod before continuing to look through the shelf, his hands behind his back as he usually does. You bow before turning to exit the classroom and start your search.

A night unexpected (Aesop Sharp X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now