5- Flattery

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You walk in to see Professor Weasley speaking with Professor Sharp. She bows to him as they finish their conversation and turns to leave, she sees you and her eyes brighten.

"Miss Iram! So good to see you again. I apologize for not visiting more often during your stay here, we've been quite busy, and busy again with the yule ball coming up."

You didn't realize it, but it was that time of year again, you've been so focused on your research that you didn't notice that you've already been here for the first term.

"I was just discussing with Professor Sharp about chaperoning that night. You will be joining us, won't you?"

"Oh! Yes, that sounds lovely." You answer. It's not like you had any plans.

"Wonderful! Feel free to bring a companion, if you'd like."

You bow at Professor Weasley as she exits, you look over at Professor Sharp who seems to be focusing on another stack of papers on his desk.

"Don't seem too excited about chaperoning." You jested, walking up to his desk and sitting down next to him.

He scoffs.

"All Professors do every year, unless they are away with family."

You watch him scribble on the papers as you take your journal out of your bag. You start going through some pages to find where you last left off before speaking again.

"Do you not like the ball?"

"I do not care for such things. It's loud, the students act a fool and conversations are small and lacking. I have no time for such tomfoolery."

He answers you, not missing a beat on his scribbling.

You're not surprised by his answer, the stern and gruff professor always made time an important thing to keep track of. Dances and balls did not seem like a past time he would enjoy.

"Does your injury prevent you from dancing as well?"

His scribbling ceases. You stop breathing for a moment. 

That was rude, why would you ask that? 

You were about to apologize when Professor Sharp started scribbling again and answers you.

"Yes, it does."

There was a silence, you could have moved on, but your impulses took over.

"Did you ever enjoy dancing in the past, Professor?"

You watched him place his quill down and look you in the eyes now, again, his face unreadable. There was more silence as he sighed and leaned back into his chair.

"Perhaps, at a certain point. I did not go out of my way to attend balls, but I did dance."

"Did you have many suitresses?"

He laughed this time, his eyes stared at the desk in front of him, there seems to be a hint of fondness and reminiscence.

"I did, if you could believe it...There was a time where finding someone to settle down with was on my list. But being an Auror made things difficult, and after the ambush..."

He trails off, his eyebrows furrowing again and he was back to the stern face you were used to. You couldn't help but notice the slight pain and disappointment in his voice. It made you want to hold him.

He started to shut his eyes and rub the top bridge of his nose.

"Besides, most women are the same. Using their feminine wiles to take advantage of unsuspecting men."

A night unexpected (Aesop Sharp X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now