8- Memories

752 35 16

Seventh year

"Well Well Well...what do we have here?"

You turned around to see some random wizards approaching you outside of Hogsmeade. Do you know these people? Are they poachers? After Ranrok you seem to run into dark wizards all the time, where they come from didn't matter anymore.

You were tired, you just wanted to get back to Hogwarts and go to sleep.

"Now now...Where do you think you're going?"

You turn around to see more wizards to your left. They're on both sides now. So much for heading to bed. You see some bystanders run the other direction, you waited for it to be clear before pulling out your wand and taking a dueling stance.


A familiar voice came up behind you, it was Professor Sharp. He walks over and stands behind you, one hand behind his back, and the other hand holding his own wand. He takes the tip and taps you on the shoulder.

"It's getting late, isn't it Miss Iram?"

You look at him confused, but as you glance at the Dark wizards, they seem visibly cautious.

"You should tell your friends to go home...once it gets dark, who knows what may happen."

You say nothing and stay in dueling mode. You look at the two groups and they seem to be stepping back now, irritated at the change of plans.

"This ain't over..." One of them hissed with their cockney accent. Before you knew it, they all turned away and you were alone with Professor Sharp.

You sigh in relief, finally relaxing your stance and turning to him.

"Thank you...I could have taken them though."

Sharp is not looking at you, he is scanning the area to make sure they were really gone. His wand is put away and now both hands are placed behind his back.

"Perhaps you could have...but that does not matter."

You were going to say something but stopped yourself, you found yourself looking at the scar on his face and remembered the conversation you had about his ambush. You felt a little sad thinking about it.

"Well...Thank you, Professor Sharp."

You bowed to him, he nodded back.

"What are you doing in Hogsmeade at this our, child?"

You scoff.

"I am a seventh year now, and of age thank you...I was actually going to Hogwarts to go to bed. why are you not at the castle?"

He raised his eyebrow, usually he would have made a comment about your attitude, but tonight he seemed to have an amused look on his face.

"I had things to discuss with J. Pippin, if you must know. I see even as a seventh year trouble tends to follow you. Was fifth year not exciting enough for you?

You laughed a moment before you felt your face soften a little.

"It's not by choice...After Ranrok I thought it would get better. I thought...I thought life would get easier. But it didn't. There never seems to be peace."

Sharp looked at you with an indecipherable face. You saw his eyebrows furrow just a tiny bit before he looked ahead into the distance again, this time not scanning the area, but like he was remembering something.

"From my years of experience...There is no true 'peace' wherever you go. There will be pain. There will be war. There will be darkness...It's not about how to rid of it, but to live with it. It's about how you live with the scars."

You wonder if he was being literal or not.

"You can not control the darkness, Miss Iram, but you can control yourself. I suggest you think about that."

You look up at him, he looks down at you again, his face is stern, but you can see a hint of a smile in his eyes.

"Would you like me to walk with you back to the castle?"

"Oh, you don't need to do that sir, especially with your leg-"

"If it was bad today, I wouldn't have asked. It's my duty to make sure my students are safe regardless. Shall we?"

You didn't feel like fighting him, and you weren't going to win anyways, so you smiled and began to walk with him. You stayed silent the entire walk but it felt nice and familiar. You thought about the conversation and decided to keep it in mind.

A night unexpected (Aesop Sharp X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now