[4] Burnt Toast and A Million Dollar Smile

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I blankly stared at the airplane ceiling and thought about everything that's going on. The boys and I were finally on our way to London after the long wait in the airport. A big smile spread across my face as a voice announced that we would be landing soon.


I took a shower and threw on some lazy clothes after I got out. I made my way downstairs where all the boys were hanging around. Louis got up and walked to the kitchen and I burst out laughing.

"Louis, you have a huge hole in your pants!" I couldn't control myself as tears started forming in my eyes. All eyes turned to him as he stopped dead in his tracks.

Within a few seconds, the room was filled with laughter. Louis was just standing there, trying to find the hole.

"Why aren't you wearing underwear, Lou?" Harry laughed.

Oliver walked in looking confused. "What are you boys laughing about?"

"Oh, it's nothing. We're fine."

The laughing slowly died off as Louis ran off.

Oliver gave us that look that said 'How do you weirdos even have fans?' but shrugged it off.

"Well then, go get ready. We will be leaving for the airport in half an hour," he said before leaving.

Most of the boys we're exhausted from having to rush to that event after getting off the plane yesterday, but I was hyped to be going back to Ireland.

Everyone went back to their rooms got their clothes together. It wasn't that difficult considering we were only here for one night. The boys and I will be staying at my old house during the stay.

As I swiped through my phone, a blue app caught my eye. I clicked on Skype again and saw that Alex was online.

Niall : Hey, sorry for not replying.

I waited for a while and was shocked to find a reply.

Alex : It's fine.

Niall : You don't know who I am?

Alex : Should I?

Niall : Not at all.

Alex : The only Niall I know is Niall Horan, but he's an asshole.

I stared at her reply feeling shocked.

Niall : Yeah, I hate him too.

Alex : Cool.


What was I even doing?

I rolled my eyes and put my laptop away. He was boring to talk to anyways, maybe it wasn't Niall after all? It has crossed my mind, but the chances of it being the Niall were way higher.


I woke up very hungry. It was 7 in the morning.

I tiptoed downstairs, trying not to wake anyone up. I got to the kitchen and put some bread in the toaster as quietly as possible.

I heard movement behind me and quickly whipped around. I turned on the lights and screamed when I saw my parents just sitting at the dining table casually watching me.

There was a short moment silence before I spoke up.

"What are you guys doing here?" I said placing my hand on my chest.

"We have work," my mum said, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Well, why the heck are you two sitting in the dark?" I complained.

"We heard you coming down. So we decided to turn of the lights to see your reaction."

More silence.

"What the hell!" they smiled at me sheepishly. I sighed and got my nearly burnt toast out of the toaster.

If I had to write about how weird my parents are, it would turn into a book series. 

Like that time they spent an hour looking at potatoes and forgot to pick me up from school. The worst part was when I finally got home by foot and they didn't even acknowledge my presence and were still talking about potatoes.


My friend Melissa texted me and asked if I wanted to go to a newly opened club. I kindly refused because clubs weren't my thing in the first place. Awhile after that, she decided to cancel it because no one could go.

I sat on my couch feeling bored and started thinking about how Niall ruined my life. I will never forgive him. The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. I stood up and marched to my room.

I put on a black dress, some heels and makeup after deciding that I wanted to go to the club after all. I didn't care if I went alone, I'm just going to get a couple of drinks to forget about how shit my life was.


At the club, I didn't dance at all. I just drank so much that I lost count. I decided that I wanted one last drink before I left, so I told the bartender I wanted one last glass of whatever I previously had. He nodded and went to work.

I was staring at the people who were dancing when my purse slipped right off the table. "Oopsie," I giggled as I grabbed it.

The glass was already in front of me when I got back up. I smiled and reached for it until I heard a deep voice that was somehow audible even with the loud blasting music.

"Don't drink that."

I turned my head so fast I almost fell off the stool from the dizziness. A tall man placed his hand on my shoulder to support me, and despite how fit he looked, he was very gentle.

He eyed the man that sat next to me. He took the glass and poured the liquid out onto the floor. The man's eyes widened and he quickly scurried away.

The hand that was on my shoulder was removed as the man stared at the crowd where the other man disappeared into, eyes filled with anger and hatred.

As he turned to me, his eyes became soft and he smiled a million dollar smile and asked, "What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?"


Stay tuned and vote please, thanks :) Tomorrow I will write the next chapter.

- Destiny

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