Chapter 21 : Coincidence

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OMG!!! 2k reads!!! I love you guys so much! Thank you thank you thank you!! <3

I am so confused right now. Why was Niall here?! I just stared at him dumbfounded

" Hi. I'm Niall " he said and extended his hand to shake mine but I just stood there as my leg started to get numb.

What should I say?! Doesn't he know me? Has he forgotten. Half of me is wishing he forgotten. Half of me is wishing he remembers....

" Niall! " I heard the children screamed behind me. They ran and tackled Niall to the ground.

" Hey buddies! " he said messing up Jonah's hair. Hold on! Niall is their.... COUSIN?!

My eyes widened as everything started to make sense! The reason why Jamie looked like Niall. Why they like One a Direction. Why Mrs Watson said to keep them away from flash, which means paparazzi! Oh my god!

I quickly ran up the stairs and into the room. I shut the door and slid down the door.

Soon, there was a knock on the door. My eyes widened. I got up and slightly opened the door.

" Hi " Niall said. I fake smiled.

" Umm.... hi? " I said awkwardly.

" Actually i'm not as thin as you think. I cant fit through this tiny gap. " he motioned towards the door.

" Oh yeah yeah! Sorry. " I said opening the door for him. He smiled and walked in.

" Thank you. " he said.

" Welcome... " I mumbled.

He put his bag on the other side of the bed that i'm sleeping on.

" So, I didn't catch your name. What was it? " he asked.

" I-I'm..... "


I woke up and saw Niall. He was carrying me bridal style.

" Niall? " I said sleepily.

" Hey love. You fell asleep just now. So I carried you. " he replied smiling. He looked uncomfortable.

" Niall, are you okay? " I asked.

" I...uh....i'm fine. " he fake smiled.

" Put me down? " I asked.

I struggled to get out of his grip. He let me down gently.

Saw a bench under a tree. I took Niall's hand and brought him there.

I touched Niall's stomach.

" Tummy ache? " I asked. He nodded.

Suddenly, his eyes widened. He ran behind the tree and started throwing up. I frowned. I went to him and rubbed his back gently. He wiped his mouth and got up.

Suddenly, it started raining. I sighed and helped Niall up.

" Should we run? " I asked him. He shook his head.

" Why not? " I asked.

" Either way we will still get wet. So we might as well just enjoy the rain. " he smiled.

He wrapped an arm around me and we started to walk in the rain. He took of his jacket and put it on me. I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder.

Mum and dad were going to Dublin tonight for some job thing. I heard Niall's family went to his grandmas.

I walked to Niall's house. I opened the door and gently set him down on the couch. He was wide awake.

" Niall, I think you got food poisoning. " I said touching his forehead. He groaned.

I went to his kitchen and searched for somethings.

I returned to Niall and gave him an Advil and some water. I went up to Niall's room and got a dry pair of clothing. I went down and gave it to him.

" Thanks " he said. And without warning he took of his shirt revealing his perfect abs.

" Niall! " I screamed covering my eyes.

" You know you love it " I parted my fingers and opened an eye. He smirked at me. I turned around.

" Tell me when you're done " I said.

" Done " he said. I turned around and went to the tv and put in a movie. We watched a cute romance movie about this girl and boy who were best friends. The boy left but they found each other again. They started to hang out again. They slowly fall for each other. And they get married.

I cried most when he boy had to leave.

I looked up at Niall, he was already sleeping. I just snuggled into his chest and closed my eyes.

_* _* _* _* _* _* _* _* _* _* _* _* _* _* _* _* _* _* _* _* _* _* _* _* _* _* _* _*

Hey guys! I know its a short chapter. I didn't make it to 1200 words. I am really tired right now. And I ran out of ideas. So please please leave me feedback at the comments so I can update faster. Thanks a lot for the 2k reads!! I love you guys! Please vote and comment. Thanks!

Words : 833

~ Destiny <3

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