Remembering me

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Torn open raw

My thoughts flowing out first as a weak sprinkler

Then as a steady flow

Of an emphatic myriad of words

It hurts

To let yourself realise

All the creativity you lost

But finding it feels like the best comfort food

With so many calories

I think everyone's creative

Just some had to bury it

Under briefcases and lab coats

Bills and housing crises

Just trying to stay on top of a rolling world

Other tried to pursue it

Chasing after dreams and meeting

Either stars or dirt and dust

Our hearts all beat for art

Even if that part has been weighed down

By textbooks and rolled eyes and disbelief

This is why I wanted to be an actress

And why my major will never

Be the dream I write down for MASH

Allusions of Life // PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now