They Died

21 3 2

150, 000 dead

The screen reads on TV

Brutally murdered, raped or tortured

I nod,

Sigh at the world,

Then I move on.

300, 000 dead

The news article flashes on my phone

When will the UN step in?

I don't know.

But it's on the other side of the world,

So it's not my concern.

700, 000 dead, more injured

How many deaths does it take?

It all meshes together

A row of skulls is just a picture

And I'm safe right here.

Three dead, chaos across the country

Appears on screen, eliciting gasps

Harsh punishments will be executed

It's a tragedy of mass proportions.

They all cared when it was within their borders.

So many die and we brush it away.

One nearby dies and we panic.

But the dead out there,

Are people just like the dead in our neighbourhood.

We are all human,

Whether in a war-torn country or a dictatorship.

When we see a row of skulls,

We need to remember:

They all had families.

They had people waiting for them to come home.

They had people crying over their corpses.

They had mothers and fathers, sometimes children and spouses.

And they're gone.

150, 000 dead

150, 000 fathers lost their child.

300, 000 dead

300, 000 mothers lost their child.

700, 000 dead

Sons, daughters, mothers, fathers and children lost their lives.

Don't push away their death as a statistic.

Don't take away the humanity.

Every single one of them,

Meant something to someone.

And they died.

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