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In the early days of Sir Alastor's reign, Fjall stood tranquil and stable. It seemed as if Sir Leo had never departed. Jalraven, returning from work, would talk to Vera, expressing newfound hope in Alastor's leadership. The initial fear that she'd had of Alastor assuming control had dissipated within a few weeks.

However, during the third month there was a drastic shift. 

Jalraven returned home one day, visibly shaken.


"Mommmmm, you're home," Vera chirped, walking down the stairs towards the kitchen where the sounds of her mother echoed.

"Hey, for the first day of school tomorrow, I was wondering if I could go shop—" Vera halted mid-sentence, absorbing the sight of her disheveled mother in the kitchen.


Jalraven's usually perfectly styled short hair was now tumbled messily. Her once vibrant dark skin appeared drained with each rapid breath she took. Sweat was gathered on her forehead, and her hands trembled uncontrollably.

Vera rushed to her mother, supporting her as she slowly sank to the floor.

Jalraven leaned against a cabinet, unable to speak.

"Mom, take a deep breath," Vera advised, holding her mother's hand.

Jalraven followed Vera's guidance, engaging in a deep breathing exercise, a routine for her anxiety attacks.

"Feeling better?" Vera asked.

Jalraven nodded, as she cradled her forehead in her left hand. She began speaking, "Alastor... he—" but halted, bringing her right hand to her face and releasing an exasperated sigh. She ran her hands down her face before continuing, "He's enacting laws tonight that could end the world."

"How so?" Vera inquired.

"I don't understand it. I never knew the boy I practically raised was so sick," Jalraven said, shaking her head in disgust. She continued, "Anti-mutant laws. Five of them. No mutants can attend school. No mutants can travel by plane. No mutants can shop at unauthorized grocery stores. No mutants on public transportation. No mutant and non-mutant marriages! Can you believe this nonsense?"

"What? This can't be true, Mom. Tell me it's not true," Vera pleaded, shock etched across her face. Her hands were now trembling.

"Tomorrow morning, the news will break. I tried to speak up, and you know what he told me?" Jalraven looked up at the kitchen ceiling, fighting back tears. She sniffled before responding, "He said, 'Know your place, August. I'm the dictator, I make the rules,' and when I tried to argue... he slapped me."

"WHAT?" Vera stood in disbelief, hands clutching her head.

"No..." Vera exclaimed, struggling to process the overwhelming information.


Months passed in Fjall after the release of the five laws, each day bringing new decrees. The lives of mutants became increasingly perilous.

Fjallian army members were instructed to escalate violence against mutants for even minor offenses. Vera witnessed the brutality through news stories.

Fear and propaganda manipulated Fjall's citizens, leading to a surge in mistreatment and discrimination against mutants. Those who stood up for mutants faced the same treatment, causing even non-mutant citizens to join the hate to protect themselves.

Violence against mutants surged, turning Fjall into an extremely unsafe environment for mutant kind.

Jalraven relinquished her position in the Fjallian army, turning in her badge when the first five laws were released. Unfazed by Alastor's threats, she turned to public activism, shocking Fjallian citizens.

Jalraven appeared on news channels and radio stations, raising awareness about the unjust hate and urging people to remember the world they once shared with mutants. Her bravery, as a former army leader, made her activism powerful.

The mutant community dwindled as violence and incarceration claimed lives.

 As Fjall descended into chaos, mutants went into hiding, and Jalraven aided them, ensuring their safety

Alastor wanted to know where the mutants were hiding. That man was hungry for mutant blood, and if they weren't already dead, he wanted them under his control.

Jalraven, the prime suspect in the search for hidden mutants, cared little for her safety. She would rather die than jeopardize the lives of the hidden mutants.

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