Chapter 9

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We all decided to skip first period to try and cheer Brendon up. We called Ryan, Frank, and Ray, and asked them to meet us at Starbucks and skip with us. They gladly agreed, since none of them were at school yet.

Ryan seemed to be the only one who could truly make Brendon smile this morning.

They had been dating for 6 months, constantly having to hide it around Brendon's mom. I didn't even know Bren decided to come out, all I knew was the aftermath.

"Hey, Gerard?" Mikey asked me once everyone else was taking about something.

"What's up?" I replied.

"Do you ever think about how lucky we are to have the mom we do? I mean, she was so cool about me being gay. Not all families are like that, obviously."

I smiled as I thought about Mom's reaction on the morning I told her I was bi-sexual. "Yeah, we really are. And I know we have cool friends, as well. Hell, Brendon and Ryan are gay, themselves. I think Ray and Frank would've put up a little more of a fight if they had some kind of problem with gay people."

"Shit, they don't know about either of us," Mikey realized.

"What don't we know?" Ray interrupted, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm gay," Mikey replied hesitantly.

"And I'm bi-sexual," I added.

"Alright," Ray shrugged.

"I kinda guessed," Patrick replied. "You may not know it, but Gee makes Brendon look straight."

"I do not," I said in a sarcastically offended voice.

"That's going pretty far," Frank joked.

"Fine, Brendon will always be they gayest," Patrick raised his hands in surrender, making us all laugh.

"You know it," Brendon winked.


The rest of the day went by pretty normally. After Starbucks, we dropped by Brendon's house and picked up a few things for him to keep while he stayed at our place. After that, we got to school before third period and killed some time hanging out under the bleachers, then attended the rest of our classes.

"Are you worried about Brendon?" Mikey asked as we walked to gym class.

"I'm worried about where he's going to end up staying. I mean, a part time job at Hot Topic isn't going to get him the money he needs to get an apartment, and he still has two years of high school left," I replied.

"That worries me, but I'm more scared about how exactly he's going to take this whole thing... emotionally." I raised an eyebrow. "His mom hit him, Gerard. She basically kicked him out for being gay. That can't be good for him."

"That's true.." I mumbled, partially to myself, as I set my bag down and started unlacing my combat boots.

"I don't know, I've just been thinking about if I were in his shoes. You know? IT would kill me if mom reacted that way."

"I know it would, Mikes. We'll keep an eye on him, since he's staying with us. Alright?"

"Sure," He nodded. "Gee, how would you feel about... therapy?" I almost choked on air at his suggestion.


"It's been almost two weeks since Lindsey died and you're still in the mope-around-and-cry phase. It's just a suggestion, Gerard. But I think I'd feel more comfortable if you at least tried it out."

"I'm not depressed, Mikey. She was my girlfriend. Se was the first person I fell in love with. Of course her death is difficult."

"Gee, please. One session."

"No, Mikey. I can deal with this on my own. This isn't something one hour a week in someone's office, maybe some stupid pills, as well, can fix. The only thing that could fix this would be if Lindsey came back."

"What if you fell in love with somebody else?" Mikey raised an eyebrow, changing the subject after a few minutes of silence.

"Where did that come from?"

"I don't know, I'm curious."

"I don't want to be in love, Mikey."

"It looks a little too late for that..." Mikey mumbled as he pulled a white sweatshirt over his head.

"What makes you say that?" I ask before taking a sip of water.

"Let's just say that I am very observant, and I can see that you have your eyes on a certain... Frank Iero." I spit out my water at the last thing he said.

"W-what?" I muttered as I wiped a drop of water off my chin.

"Gee, you're the most obvious person on this planet, but Frank is probably the most oblivious. Even if he can't tell that you like him, I most definitely can. Sometimes I think you forget that I've spent my entire life fucking life around you."

"Fine, you got me," I raised my arms in surrender.

"Get with him, then!"

"It's been only a week and a half since Lindsey died. I don't want to go out with anybody right now, Mikey."

"Fine, but you better get together with him at some point, because I think everybody we talk to ships it."


This is short and boring and I'm sorry :(


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