Chapter 20

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"How's Frank doing?" Mikey asked as we walked into the locker room together to change into our gym clothes.

"Well... The last time I saw him was in the bathroom at lunch after Pete pulled the whole suicide joke. He didn't even talk. He was just crying when I found him, and when I sat down next to him he just hugged me and kept crying for a few minutes." I decided not to include the miniature make out we had after he started feeling better. Mikey didn't need to know everything about my life.

"Why did that effect him so much?". Mikey asked.

Oh shit.

He didn't know.

"He... Had an occurrence similar to yours..." I didn't want to outright say 'Frank tried to commit suicide', because I didn't know if I could.

"Oh," Was all my shocked brother could say after he pulled his shirt off over his head and tossed it into his gym locker.

"Yeah... So he was very, very triggered."

"Understandable. The joke itself didn't trigger me as much as it triggered Frank, but the fact that Pete was there bothered me the most."

"I don't think he's going to be bothering you again. And if he does, tell me."

"Sure thing, Gee," Mikey smiled.


After packing my bag and getting ready to go home from school, I decided to go talk to Frank. I walked further down the hall and quickly spotted him chatting with Ray, his back to the direction I was in. Ray caught a glimpse of me sneaking up on Frank, but went back to his conversation when I raised a finger over my mouth.

"Boo!" I half-yelled as I wrapped my arms around Frank's torso, making him jump.

"You fucking assface," Frank joked after he realized it was me.

"Oh, come on. You love me," I kissed his cheek.

"Nope," He crossed his arms and refused to turn around and face me. Instead of giving up, I hugged him tighter and picked him up off the ground. He kicked his legs around in the air until I put him down, and he finally gave up and turned around to give me a hug.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked him as my head rested on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I am. Thanks for putting up with me earlier," He laughed.

"Of course," I smiled.

"Ahem," Ray cleared his throat. "You guys know I'm still here, right?"

We awkwardly pulled away from each other, and Frank scratched his head.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"Hey guys," Mikey's voice called behind us as he walked up to us. "We should go somewhere today."

"Like where?" Ray perked up.

"I don't know," Mikey shrugged. "Starbucks?" I could practically feel Ray roll his eyes.

"Sounds good to me," I nodded.

"I'm down with it," Frank replied.

"Looks like I have no choice," Ray shrugged.

And with that, we all piled into my car, Frank taking the passenger's seat instead of Mikey, for once. With a small grin tugging at his lips, he intertwined his fingers with my free hand. I smiled too, keeping my eyes on the road, and pulled our hands to my mouth, placing a gentle kiss on Frank's knuckles.

"I think I'm gonna be sick," Mikey joked.

"If you're gonna be sick, please direct your sickness out the window. I really don't feel like cleaning your vomit out of my car," I replied sarcastically, making Frank fully grin.

"Fine, queen Gerard," Mikey muttered.

Frank and I both giggled, and fuck, I was never going to get used to Frank's adorable laugh.


"So, how was you guys' day?" Mikey asked as we all sat down on one of the nicely furnished Starbucks couches.

"Meh, just a normal day," Frank replied first as he lifted his drink to his mouth. "Kinda on the shitty side, but whatever," He shrugged.

"Mine was okay," I shrugged. "I finished the painting in art class that I've been working on for the longest fucking time, but other than that, nothing particularly exciting happened."

"Mine's been pretty mediocre," Ray replied last.

"Looks like we've all had kinda shitty days, then," Mikey laughed a little.

"What made your day shitty?" Ray asked Mikey.

"Pete," Mikey replied simply. "Pete fucking Wentz."

"How do you know his last name?" Frank asked.

"Pete and I..." Mikey sighed a little, "We dated when we lived in New York. My family moved here, and then Pete, using the newfound space between us, cheated on me, and then broke up with me for the other guy. And now, apparently, he's here, too."

"That must fucking suck," Ray shook his head a little.

"Yep... It really does. Of all the times this could've happened. Of all the times he could've come to tear me down... He chooses now, when I've just started recovering. Come and kick me while I'm down, I guess..." Mikey shrugged as he took a sip of his warm drink.

I looked to my side to Frank. His eyes were looking down at the drink he was holding, but I could tell his mind was elsewhere, and I found myself wondering what was going on in that brilliant mind of his.

Frank had told me once that he didn't think he was smart. This, of course, was bullshit. Sure, his grades balanced on B's and C's, but he had such a unique mind. He was so smart, so poetic, so fucking perfect that it hurt to see him doubt one of his greatest features.

Pulling myself out of my head, I reached my hand out to grab one of his. Through the strands of hair that obscured his face, I could see a grin playing on his lips, and he turned his hand to hold onto mine.

Right here, surrounded by my friends, holding the hand of the boy that was slowly making me fall in love... This was where I wanted to stay. This was the closest to home that I'd ever felt.


This is kind of a filler chapter :/

I have plans for future drama in the story but I feel like it'd be way too soon to write any of it now

Do you see my dilemma?


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