Chapter 21

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"Gee?" A voice woke me from my sleep. I picked my phone off of the pillow next to me and clicked it so the screen would display the time.

12:35 am

"Brendon, why are you waking me up this fucking late?" I groaned, rolling over on my back and rubbing my eyes.

"I'm gonna stay with Ryan for a while. He's moving into his own apartment soon, and he wants me to stay with him and his parents until he moves, so I can move with him. I just wanted to let you know. Sorry for waking you."

I instantly sat up and turned on my night lamp to see Brendon, leaning on the doorway leading into my bedroom, duffel bag in hand. I pushed myself off my bed and walked across my room to hug him quickly.

"Did you ever sort things out with your mom?" I asked when I pulled away, my eyebrows tugging up slightly in worry.

"All we decided was that I wasn't her son, because she refuses to have a gay child, so... Yeah. I don't think I'll be going back to her house any time soon," He half joked.

"Okay, well call me or Mikey if you need anything, alright?"

"God, I should just call you Mom from now on, you worry about me so much."

"Okay, my son," I laughed. "Do you need a ride to Ryan's?"

"I was just gonna walk there," He shrugged. I held up a finger, signalling for him to stay there, and walked to the other side of my room, climbing on top of my dresser and lifting the curtain covering the half window near the top of my basement wall. I pulled it open and reached my hand out to see how cold it was, and was met by an involuntary shiver at the icy cold air.

"Brendon Boyd Urie, you are not walking to your boyfriend's house in the middle of the night in this cold weather," I exclaimed as I jumped to the ground and picked my Batman hoodie off of the carpet. "I'll drive you to Ryan's. Go upstairs, and I'll be up there in a second."

"Yes, Mother Gee," Brendon said sarcastically before turning and climbing up the stairs.

Hey, Frankie, I quickly typed after opening the messages under the contact name 'Frankie'. You want me to pick you up for a late night graveyard trip?


"What's with that grin?" Brendon broke the silence a couple minutes into the car ride. "You sneaking out to see your boyfriend?" He asked with the most shit-faced grin I've ever seen.

"He's not my boyfriend," I corrected. "Just my friend... Whom I make out with every once in a while..." I admitted.

"Aha! So you are going to see Frank!" He nearly jumped out of his seat. "You gonna make out? Or even better, have se-"

"I'm ace!" I interrupted. Oh shit, I soon realized. Nobody knew about it. Why did I have to blurt it out now?

Fuck me.

"You're.... What?"

"I'm ace. As in asexual."

"But... You said you were bi," Brendon's voice grew confused.

"Bi-romantic. Asexual, bi-romantic. I still hug, kiss, etc., I just don't... Do the deed."

"What.... What are you... When are you... Going to tell Frank?"

I cursed under my breathe after thinking about it for a second.

What was I going to tell him? I mean, he hadn't made any advances on me, but I could still tell he probably wasn't ace. I didn't feel like lying about it, and I didn't feel like dodging it, or lying to myself about it. I'd done all of those before.

I pulled into Ryan's driveway, shifted the car into park, and immediately ran my hands through my greasy hair at this realization.

"Gee," Brendon tries to get my attention in a soothing voice. "You're gonna be okay. Tell him when you're ready, but don't lead him on, okay?" I nodded. "Sadly, that's the only advice I think I can really give you. Just... be ready for his reaction. If he really loves you, he'll find a way to make it work. If he leaves you, he wasn't worth your time, anyway."

I nodded, and Brendon gave me a quick hug before climbing out of the car.

I took a few minutes to steady my breathing, and when that didn't prove to work, I hooked my phone up to the auxiliary cord and blasted 21 Guns, the song that was always able to calm me down. I closed my eyes, leaning my head back against the cushioned seat, listening to the soothing music.

When the song came to a close, the sound slowly fading away as the last notes ended, I sighed and pulled the car out of the driveway, heading to Frank's house to pick him up.


Pulling up to his house, I saw him standing in his driveway, wrapped up in a black hoodie against the cold. I climbed out of the car and took off my coat, wrapping it around him before smiling and taking his hand, leading him to the car. I opened the door for him, and he smiled gratefully as he climbed inside and pulled it closed. I quickly walked to the other side of the car and sloppily fell inside, turning the heat up as soon as I pulled the door closed.

"Hey, Gee," Frank smiled.

"Hey Frankie," I smiled back. He wrapped his hand around mine and we leaned together, capturing each others lips and falling into a kiss, my free hand making its way into Frank's hair, absentmindedly pulling him closer to me as I played with the strands.

"I think the graveyard's out of the question," Frank giggled as he pulled his lips away from mine, my forehead still resting on his. I quickly kissed him again.

"I think so," I replied, catching my breath. "Let's go back to my place." Frank nodded, and I leaned away and started pulling out of the driveway.


Ooooo plot twist. (Josh) DUN DUN DUNNNN

I got a hair cut, and I basically look like revenge era Frank now

I'm not complaining

Oh and also my brother started writing a really fucked up story on Wattpad and he asked me to tell y'all to read it, so his Wattpad is @elitemofo


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