Chapter 22

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Frank had a natural instinct to lay his head on my chest. I didn't know if it was just a habit, if he liked listening to my breathing, or if he liked hearing my steady heartbeat, but I wasn't complaining. It made me feel more protective of him, somehow. It was nice; I liked laying there, the way we were, his head resting on my chest as I ran my fingers through his hair, smiling absentmindedly.

"I'm thinking of changing my hair," Frank thought out loud, shifting his head to look up to me.

"What do you want to change about it?" I asked.

"The cut and the colour. My hair has been just black for the longest time. I want something interesting, something new."

"Do you have any ideas?" I was instantly curious.

"Actually, I think I do. I want to shave the sides and dye them blonde."

"That would be awesome," I grinned. "You should do it."

"What about you? You've had black hair for so long. You should change it up."

"I've actually been thinking about dyeing it red. Like, bright red."

"That would look so cool! We should go get the dye tomorrow," Frank smiled.

"Yeah, we should."


Frank and I were both fidgeting with excitement on the drive home from Sally's, and we started working on our hair practically the second we got inside.

Frank couldn't contain his grin as I clipped on the size 6 clippers I got from the store, and that grin only grew as I turned the buzzer on and started shaving his hair.

After the sides of his hair were shaved, I reached into the Sally's bag and pulled out one bottle of bleach and one bottle of the developer that came with it.

"I can bleach my own hair, Gee," Frank laughed, taking the bottles from my hands. After sticking my tongue out at him, I pulled out two more bottles of bleach and the matching developer for my own hair.

Two hours and a bit of frustration later, Frank's hair was black in the middle and blonde on the sides, and my stringy hair was bright red.

"Holy shit," Mikey's eyes immediately widened when he walked into my room and saw my dripping wet hair that I was currently working on drying.

"You like it?" I grinned.

"Who's blood did you dye it with?" He joked.

"Oh, ya know, just some leftovers that Satan let me borrow. I don't know what those rumours are all about, he's a pretty nice guy," I laughed.

And just after that last giggle left my mouth, Frank walked out of my bathroom, and I knew I was ace, but damn he looked hot with that hair that I just wanted to run my fingers through.

"Is there anybody here who doesn't have a weird new hairstyle?" Mikey laughed with shock in his eyes.

"You," I replied. "C'mon Mikes, you've been rockin that 2005 emo hair for way too long. Change it up."

"I'm not concerned with my hair like you two are with yours, so no thanks."

"That's strange, since I'm pretty sure you're the gayest one here," I replied, making Mikey and Frank both laugh so hard I was scared they were going to piss themselves.

"If anyone is the gayest one here, Gee, it's you. It's utterly, 100 percent you," Mikey laughed.

"Really? Because i think you're the only one here who's gay, and not bi or whatever." Mikey looked at Frank, as if silently asking him to say he's gay.

"Sorry dude, I'm pan," Frank shrugged, still giggling. Mikey sighed in defeat and started to walk out of the room.

"Not so fast, little bro," I stopped him. "You better choose a hairstyle and hop in the car because you are getting a makeover."


One more trip to Sally's, a shave, and two different hair dyes later, Mikey's hair was shaved on both sides and the back, with light blonde longer hair on the top and dark brown everywhere else.

"So, how do you like it?" I asked my younger brother as he towel dried it.

"Okay, fine, it's pretty damn awesome," He grinned.

"Geeeee," Frank groaned, "can we get coffee?" He wrapped his arms around me as he asked.

"Sure. Mikey, you coming?"

"Yeah, hold up. Let me get some clean clothes on. Oh, you should invite Ray and Brendon. And Ryan, if he wants to come."

"I don't think you're gonna have much luck getting Brendon without Ryan tagging along. I'll invite them, you go get dressed and straighten your hair." Mikey nodded and walked out of my room. Frank took both of my hands and pulled me closer to him, and I lifted one hand to run through the new texture of his hair, pulling his face to mine and kissing him softly, carefully, as if he could fall apart if I was even a little too rough.

"I think I'm falling in love with you, Gerard. And this is the first time I've ever welcomed this feeling. And fuck, that red hair looks so good on you." I laughed a little and kissed him again.

"I'm falling in love with you, too, Frank," I smiled. "I don't want this feeling to end. I want to stay falling in love with you forever."

I have nothing to say so let me just inform you that I have been writing chapters offline at my Nana's and I'm back home with stable WiFi now so all of these are going to be updated at once


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