Chapter 16

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Frank and I spent the whole night working on the song. After finally giving up on getting us to go to sleep, Brendon went out and got us Starbucks. We struggled to stay awake until we finished the song, and then we fell asleep on Mikey's bed.

Waking up next to the person your heart is still beating for is a strangely blissful feeling. Being able to see their face when they're not bombarded by expectations is so enticing. It feels as if you're seeing them in a state of truthfulness.

The way Frank's black hair fell onto his face, the way his mouth slightly opened, how his eyelashes seemed to caress his pale skin, made him even more beautiful. He was like a piece of art. He was a piece that told the most tragic story, and had the most truthful message: to reach perfection, you must endure a hell of pain and damage; whether by falling into a pile of broken pieces, being kissed by a razor, or slowly resting after a bottle of pills, only when you're so fragile that a touch can make you fall apart, can you truly be a product of perfection.

"Gee?" Frank's sleep-filled voice pulled me back to reality. "You're already awake?"

"Yeah... I just got lost in thought. You want some breakfast?" I asked, my voice quiet.

"Mhmm," He nodded as he yawned. "What time is it?" I reached over to the night stand and pulled my phone from Mikey's charger.

"10:36," I read.

"We should do something today," Frank said as he pushed himself off the bed, sitting up next to me. I raised my eyebrow.


He shrugged. "See a movie, do some illegal shit, eat old people, I don't know. Something interesting."

"You're a vegetarian, Frank."

"Doesn't mean I'm not a cannibal," He shrugged sarcastically.

"While the thought of killing old people and consuming their wrinkly flesh sounds fun, I think I'll skip out on the offer."

"Oh, fine. We'll stick to pancakes, then." He giggled and reached for his shirt.

"You need some clean clothes?" I asked.

"Yeah, I do. Mind if I borrow a shirt?"

"Sure. Follow me." We walked down the two flights of stairs until we entered the basement and made it to my room. Frank plopped down on my bed, and I walked to my dresser, searching for something for him to wear.

"How do you feel about Green Day?" I asked.

"Is that even a question?" He laughed. In response, I tossed him a faded American Idiot shirt.

"That may be a little baggy on you," I warned him. I pulled out a David Bowie tank top, used my hip to close my dresser, and took off my dirty shirt, pulling the new one over my head. When I brushed my hair out of my face, I saw Frank looking at me. I smirked.

"Enjoying the view?" I giggled. He sarcastically scoffed and pulled on his own shirt.

"Let's go eat," He pushed himself off my bed, walking to my door. I followed him into the kitchen, where I pulled pancake batter out of the cabinet and opened the fridge.

"Dammit, Brendon," I mumbled to myself.

"What?" Frank asked.

"The son of a bitch didn't get any milk."

"Should we go get some?" Frank suggested.

"Nah, I got this." I closed the fridge and walked to the end of the staircase. "BRENDON BOYD URIE," I yelled, followed by the sound of a distinct thud coming from the guest room. "GET YOUR SPARKLY ASS OUT OF BED AND GO PICK UP SOME MILK."

"FUCK YOU, WAY," Brendon yelled back. Nodding at a job well done, I walked back into the kitchen, where Frank stood, stunned.


"Hey, Gee, you got a text," Frank picked up my phone after it chimed.

"Who from?" I asked. We were sat in Mikey's room. Frank was on Mikey's bed, practicing Mama on his guitar, and I sat at Mikey's desk, sketching a picture of Frank.

"Your mom," Frank answered. I swiveled around in the desk chair, and Frank handed me my phone.

Birthgiver: Mikey's doctor said he's being discharged today. Coming to get you in 20 minutes so we can go pick him up.

A grin grew across my face at the text. "Mikey's coming home!" I yelled in excitement.

"Seriously??" Frank's voice was laced with shock and excitement. "That's awesome, Gee!" He sat his guitar down and climbed to his feet, pulling me into a hug.

We sat there, enjoying each other's company for a few seconds, and when he pulled away, a thought popped into my head.

"Hey, Frank?" I asked, sitting back down into my chair.

"What is it?" He sat on the edge of the bed.

"What... What do I do when he gets back? How do I... Treat him?"

"That's a tricky question," Frank sighed. "Honestly, treat him like you did before, in a way. Joke around, have fun. But at the same time, be there for him. Make absolutely sure that he knows you will always be there for him, and that he can always count on you. Make sure he knows that he's not going to be a burden. If you have plans with anyone who understands the situation, cancel on them if Mikey needs you. Got it?"

I nodded. "I got it."


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