Chapter 13

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I tapped my foot nervously as I sat in the waiting room. We were waiting as Mikey was being evaluated to see if he could go home today or not. Part of me hoped he could, but part of me also knew that an inpatient hospital would help him.

I heard the familiar sound of boots against the floor and looked up to see Mikey in the clothes that our mom brought for him. I stood up and walked across the room quickly, pulling him into a protective hug. His skinny arms wrapped around my torso and pulled me closer to him.

"What did they say?" I asked, refusing to let go of him.

"I don't know. They're talking to Mom right now," He replied with his head on my shoulder. I pulled him even closer to me, missing the feeling of hugging him.

"How do you feel?"

"Scared," He sighed as finally pulled away from the hug. "I want to go home, Gee."

"I know, Mikes." Mikey sat down in one of the waiting room chairs. "I'm gonna go get some coffee. You want some?" I asked. He nodded and smiled gratefully at me, so I spun around on my heel and walked over to the coffee machine in the corner of the waiting room, pouring two cups full of the warm drink, and walked back and handed one to Mikey.

"How've you been the past few days?" He asked as I sat down next to him.

"I've been a fucking mess," I sighed. "Although, I've been talking to Frank a little more." Mikey's head shot up from his drink and he looked at me.

"You have?"

"Yeah, I have. Why is that such a shock?"

"Because you're a very mopey person, Gerard." I shrugged in agreement as I sipped at my drink, and we sat in silence, waiting for the doctor to walk back out.

"Mikey Way?" The doctor asked as he walked into the waiting room. I sat my drink down on the table next to my chair and pulled my legs up, crossing them.

"What's up?" Mikey asked. He seemed so calm about this whole thing.

"Well, Mikey, your mother and I have been talking, and we've decided that you should spend some time at an inpatient hospital until you're no longer a danger to yourself," The doctor said calmly. I felt my stomach drop, and let my head fall forward.

"H-how long would he be spending there?" I asked in a voice that was smaller than I expected.

"It could be from one week to one month," The doctor replied. I lifted my head and looked at Mikey, who had fear in his eyes. His hands were shaking slightly, balled up in his lap.

"A-alright," Was all Mikey said.

"And after that," The doctor continued, "long term therapy sessions once a week." Mikey just nodded, looking down at his hands. "I'll leave the three of you to talk for a little while," The doctor turned and walked back down the hallway. Mikey and I stood up, and he hugged our mom first.

"This will be good for you, Mikey," My mom said in a shaky voice as she hugged him. "I know it's scary," Her voice reduced to nearly a whisper as she tried not to cry. "But it'll be a good thing. Try to take the most out of this that you can." Mikey nodded, his head resting on top of Mom's.

"I love you," He had tears running down his face. He hugged her tighter.

"I love you too, Mikey," She sniffed. He pulled away from the hug and walked up to me, giving me a weak smile. I pulled him into the tightest hug that I could. I was older than him, but he was somehow taller than me. I didn't mind, though. It made me feel protected when he hugged me.

"Please don't spend this whole time moping around your room, Gee," Mikey joked in a weak voice.

"No promises," I returned his joking voice the best that I could.

"I'm serious, Gee," He groaned a little bit. "Talk to Frank. Draw. Play video games. Don't mope around or I swear to god I will kill you as soon as I get back."

"Fine," I sighed as I pulled away hesitantly.

"I'm gonna miss you, Gee."

"I'm gonna miss you too, Mikes. I really am."


It was five hours after Mikey left to go to the inpatient hospital and I already didn't know what to do with myself. I didn't want to draw, I didn't want to watch horror movies, all I wanted to do was talk to Mikey. He didn't have his phone, though.

Sighing, I grabbed my phone from the table beside my bed and scrolled through my contacts, stopping on Frank's name and texting him.

 Mikey's going to an inpatient hospital. I don't know how long he'll be gone.

I waited a few minutes, and smiled when my phone lit up.

 Awe :( do you want me to come over?

I checked the time.

 It's 10pm, Frank

He replied almost immediately.

 My mom's got night shift. I'll be over in 20

I sighed.

 I'll come pick you up. Stay there

he texted back a quick 'okay', so I got up, pulled on my jacket and scarf, grabbed my keys and jogged up the stairs to the living room.

"I'm going to pick up Frank!" I called into the house before leaving.


I feel like death

*coughs and sputters*

I'm pretty sure I'm dying


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