CH. 17

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"Will you be able to change your bandages on your own dear?" Your mom asks right before you are about to head upstairs. "I could try, I'll call you if I need help." You see her give another nod before you finally walk upstairs. "Mmmmm im so tireddd" You drag your words out, laying down on the bed and sushi rolling yourself in the fluffy thin blanket that was previously neatly folded on your bed. "Aren't we all?" You heard another voice speak in the room as you looked around in shock.

"Brooo not again.." You groan with annoyment as you fall back on the bed. "Chill, I dropped something of mine here when I slashed you." He huffed, literally crawling from under your bed. "Hi."

You glare at him. "Fuck you." He frowned as best as his cut smile allowed him to. "That hurts my feelings." He dramatically placed a hand on his chest, rolling onto his back as he was still halfway under the bed. "Good, hope it burns too. Please leave me alone.." Your voice cracks as you finish your last sentence. Everything felt so confusing. If only you hadn't accepted that offer your mom made, your life could've been normal.

You'd not have a slashed throat, you wouldn't feel worried sick for your family every second of the day, you wouldn't be so. scared. You were scared shitless. This whole tough guy persona you've been keeping up was crumbling and all you were left with is an exhausted mind. You felt so drained and tired. You were so tired, you never intended to get yourself involved into this stupid murderers familly life.

It was his fault..

It was eerily silent in the room and you were honestly afraid to move or even make any noise. What if he decided to finish you off right now right here. Your body trembled slightly as you curled in on yourself, soon feeling a poking at the middle of your spine.

A hand creeped around you and covered your mouth, letting only the smallest muffled yell of surprise come through. "You and your life are at my mercy, I'm done being all soft and patient with you. You have no other choices anymore, listen to me, or don't it'll be your dear family that will pay the price anyways." He spoke in a dead tone, it was laced with venom as he tightened his grip on your face and dug his knife into your back slightly.

Your hands were gripping onto his due to your reflex as more muffled sobs escaped your mouth. Your head was violently shaking in an agreement to play his sick twisted game. Your only goal was to keep your family alive, you'd do anything for them at this point. "Good." He sighed, brushing your hair back from your face. (Sorry to all my bald folk 👨‍🦲) "Now why don't you come here and give me a hug~" He purred out sadistically, ravishing the control he had over you as he backed off and spread out his arms.

Through your messy sobs you pushed yourself up and shakily leaned on him, moving slowly as you were too afraid of him turning on you again. "That's not that bad is it now" He whispered in your ear, stroking your hair. Your body was tense as he finally pulled away, holding your shoulders tightly. "Listen now. You report this to authority again and I'll slaughter everyone. Okay?" He was speaking to you like a child. You nodded again, finally getting the chance to wipe your teary eyes as he patted your shoulder and got up.

"Don't forget, I hate seeing you so upset." He cooed with a pitiful smile as he leaned on the windowsill before jumping out.

The second you were alone more tears flooded your eyes, making them sting as you desperately tried to wipe them away and calm yourself.

"What did I get myself into.." You whispered through your heavy hiccups and gasps for air. Standing up, you decided on taking a shower since you'll be on a temporary leave from work due to your injury.. and you wanted his stench off of you. 

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