CH. 41.

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"Nothin', nothin'.. " You chuckled, uncovering your eyes again. 'Just staring at you' Your thought caught you off guard, flushing your face into a soft pink that stayed barely noticeable, thank god.

As he opened his mouth to ask about god knows what your phone rang, interrupting whatever he was about to say.

You saw it was an unknown number as you picked up your phone, staring at it before hesitantly answering it.

"Hello?" You murmured, loud enough for the person on the other end to hear.

"Y/N!! Its me, Allan??.. Y'know... from high school?" The person, uh.. Allan spoke. It took you a second to recognise him since you've been in school but the mention of his name brought back many memories.

"Allan? Hey man whats up? My bad I didn't recognise you at first.." You giggled, completely missing the jealous expression Jeff shot at you before getting up to leave and do his own thing.

"It's good, it's good don't worry, anyways back on track... I heard you moved to Columbus and my group just so happens to have our hotel there somewhere so I was wondering if you wanted to join us while we explored.. Y'know since you know the area better." He explained his reasoning behind calling you specifically.

"Sure, yeah I can do that, Its been a hot minute since i've been out and about." You nervously chuckle before asking who these 'friends' are.

"Just some people from school, not sure if you'll remember them but I know for a fact you gotta remember Jannet, you two were always competing in EVERYTHING" He groaned at the memory, which made you chuckle.

"Well alright, just text me your hotel location when you're in the city, I have no problem showing you around, I might find some new stuff too." You said, he agreed quickly, the two of you said your farewells and as he hung up you quickly saved his number into your contacts, making sure to give him a stupid nickname he'll never live down. 


Oh my god were having prom this Wednesday, crazy how this year just fuckin' zoomed by.

Jeff the killer x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now