CH. 54.

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The morning was.. something to say the least..? You woke up pretty early, it took you a second to realize Jeff wasn't in the room anymore though.

As you sat up you clutched your pounding head still feeling the dizziness from last night's crying session. You felt like tumbling back into bed and going for a round 2 but you promised to visit Sasha..

You looked over at your bedside table, noticing your phone was gone? Strange, you got up, slightly stumbling over your own feet as you steadied yourself and walked downstairs, deciding to go check where in the everliving hell Jeff scurried off to.

You noticed some mail on the kitchen counter, as you were looking through it a pair of hands grabbed your shoulders, startling you. "It's just me, relax." Jeff murmured with a faint chuckle. As you turned around to hug him you noticed he was wearing his old but familiar bloodied hoodie, a few spots looked fresh..

He noticed your staring as he slid his arms off of you, he seemed to be nervously shifting around a lot. "What're you doin' up?" He changed the focus, causing you to look up from his hoodie and glance at his face.

"Oh uh.. I don't know.. just can't sleep I guess..?" You glanced to the side, noticing the clock on the kitchen wall said 5:47 am..Now that you were really thinking about it.. why were you up? There was no reason for you to be awake this early.

"Alright well.. Do you wanna do something then? maybe get your mind off of everything and relax for a little?" He offered with a faint smile.

"Yea, that would be nice." You sighed, leaning back on the kitchen counter as you looked down at your hands, noticing how bad you've been shaking, could anyone honestly blame you though?

"I'll go take a shower real quick, we can watch a movie or something so you can go ahead and pick one, 'kay?" He slightly leaned himself down to follow your gaze as you nodded in agreement at his idea.


As he left you picked up the letters, taking a closer look through them. It was just a bunch of ads, shocker.. you thought people didn't send them around in mail like that anymore.

A particular letter caught your attention.

'Dear (y/n), its (o/s)!

Sorry I haven't been able to text you, the power went off for a while so I just decided to send a letter instead, I'll probably be able to text you again when this even reaches you. Moving on..Great news! My wife gave birth to a healthy baby boy. We are planning on coming over once the little one is at least a few months old, preferably 3.

Keep your chin up little man, hope you dont miss me too much.'

The last sentence made you smile, your heart practically jumped at the news of (o/s)'s child finally being born, you were so happy for them..

"What're you smiling at so much hm?" Jeff looked over your shoulder causing you to jump again. "Stop- Doing that!" You practically screamed out as he laughed at your reaction.

"Are you done already?" You cocked your head slightly, checking the clock to realize you've been staring at the letter far longer than you anticipated. 


The new forum for the xreader story requests has been uploaded! Anyone who wants to request a story from me can go ahead and check out the website link on my profile :3

Also here's a pic of my rat.

Also here's a pic of my rat

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Jeff the killer x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now