02. SHIT!

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"Hey, get back with the others." says a bald man that looks like the leader of robbers.

"I heard a rumor." says Number Three.

"What did you say?"

"I heard a rumor that you shot your friend in the foot." Number Three's voice echoed thru the man's head, his eyes started looking like he was possessed then turns back into normal as he clinks the gun towards his friend and fires it at his foot just like Number Three said.

Number One jumped off from the roof and landed beside one of the robbers, he then banged his head onto the counter and throws him out of the window.

"Guns are for sissies. Real men throw knives." Number Two says, running towards the guy with Number Three and throws knives towards the guy but it curved to their left hitting the robber that was standing there.

"Get back you freaks." says the bald guy that was with Number Three earlier. He's now on top of the counter pointing a gun at Number One, Number Two, and Number Three.

"Hey, be careful up there, buddy." says Number Two.

"Wouldn't want you to get hurt." Number Three added.

"Get back." the man repeated.

"Or what?" asked Number Five as he appeared out of nowhere. The man then turned to look at him and shoots him but Number Five just disappeared into thin air. Number Five appears behind him and the man started shooting once again.

"Ooh! That's one badass stapler." Number Five says, pushing man's hand causing him to get hit on his forehead.

"Hey, Five, that's fun but this is funnier." Number Eight says, pointing at two robbers that are cat-fighting one another and is under her dark element power.

"Sure, if you say so." Number Five says.

"Excuse me, Dear Number Eight. Gotta go and clean the mess." a now transformed bull, Number Nine says. Number Eight rolled her eyes at him and lets go of the two robbers as Number Nine uses his bull horns to throw both robbers outside the bank.

"Do we really have to do this?" Number Six asked.

"Come on Number Six, there's more guys in the vault." Number Six sighs in defeat.

"I didn't sign up for this." he says, after a few minutes Number Six comes out of the vault, all bloody. "Can we go home now?" he asked.

"Number Eight." Number One calls, motioning at Number Six. Number Eight's eyes turned into blue as she summons her water power, washing the blood off of Number Six while he smiles to her.

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