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It was a museum heist and of course Umbrella Academy was there to stop it, but it was the most memorable mission to Number Nine. "Hey Mr. Thief I suggest you bring that back to where it came from." Number Eight says as her eyes started changing its color to violet summoning her dark powers. Number Nine stood there watching her, his heart flutters for a second when Number Eight, his princess as he always had called her, looked at him with a smile plastered at her pretty face but the smile fades immediately as he saw Number Five also looking at the princess of his life. Number Five always had a liking at Number Eight, even Reginald Hargreeves and Pogo, themselves, knows about it because Number Five never fails to show it to her. He never fails to make her feel special in sorts of aspects. Girls digs Number Five, they do, but he always has his eyes at Number Eight, which is unfortunately for Number Nine, who also always had a liking for Number Eight, even if he couldn't really tell her.

A loud clang of bell was heard causing Number Eight to lose her concentration. It sent her head into a ringing mess. It felt like the bell was inside her mind and it keeps clanging on the inside. Number Eight went ballistic as the object started delivering strong sound waves, she was on a total rampage and she even started wreaking the place.

"Number Eight, what are you doing?" Number Three asked but instead of words Number Eight replied by launch electric shock towards Number Three. Number Nine tried stopping her but in return Number Eight shifted to her dark energy power making Number Nine choke himself.

With Number Nine starting to turn violet, the thieves saw what is happening as an opportunity and they ran out, luckily police are already there waiting for them to come out. "Hey, listen, Number Eight, it's me Number Five. Calm down, okay? Okay, love?" Number Eight's eyes started turning back to normal as she heard Number Five's voice.

And that's when Number Nine realized, that the princess he always loves with all his heart was somebody else's love.


"Will she be, okay this time Pogo?" Sivan asked, looking at Octavia's sleeping state.

"Master Sivan, Miss Octavia has to figure out what your father had thought her or I'm afraid she's never going to be better." Pogo says, Sivan sighs at this.

"Thanks Pogo." he says. Sivan sat down and watched how Octavia breathes. He had done this for a couple of times this week already, staying by her side as he watches her sleep. Some may say it's creepy but for Sivan, it's the only way he could be honest to himself, it's the only way he could actually tell her what he feels. "Hey, princess." he calls. "You gotta stop pulling this on me. I'm getting worried of you." Sivan's voice was calm and collected but in all honesty he's heart is giving out already. He can't help but feel sad seeing her like this. "Remember when we first move out? The very first day? Mom packed our things and when we opened the luggage we saw bundles of money? You were jumping up and down because you said you wanted burgers and fries and we aren't allowed to have those so the first thing we bought was those two trashy excuse of a food as dad called it. You we're so happy, you're glowing. You have the prettiest smile, princess and I want to see that again so figure out what the old man had thought you and smile again. Smile for me once again, princess." Sivan holds Octavia's hand, kissing it as he also closes his eyes, drifting to sleep as he still holds Octavia's hand.


"Sivan." a sweet voice called out, waking Sivan up.

"Octavia? You good now?" he asked. Octavia nodded at him. "Do you need anything? Do you want to eat something?"

"Nah, I'm good." she replies. "I do want to drink though."

"I'll get you wa--"

"A margarita, would be nice."

"You can't drink." Sivan says.

"We'll die in like 3 days, let me drink."

"You just had another episode of headache." Sivan says, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Come on, I'm fine."


A glass of margarita led to another round and to another one led to where Sivan and Octavia are right now, kissing one another, intoxicated of the drinks they had, Sivan had brought Octavia to his room.

"Are you sure this is okay?" he asked.

"Pretty sure I wanna get laid before dying." Octavia replies, her eyes as seductive as it can ever be, lips slightly smiling as she pulls Sivan back to kiss her. Sivan complied, hands on her waist, while hers are on his hair, playing his soft locks as they passionately continue what they are doing. Slowly Sivan's hands found Octavia's shirt hem, he tugged on it like he was asking if it's okay to pull it off her body, Octavia only replied in moan. Making sure his hands trailed a line onto Octavia's body, Sivan removed her shirt, revealing her heavenly body, her tan skin only making it more desirable.

"God, you're so beautiful." Sivan says, as he started to leave trails of his love marks onto Octavia's neck down to her cleavage. "You're so lovely, princess." Octavia moans in pleasure, her hands still on Sivan's soft locks, using it to pull him to her closer than he could ever be.

The thoughts about Five flashed onto her mind but she decided to ignore it. He's with Delores now, she thought to herself pushing Five's memories out of her mind as Sivan laid her carefully onto his bed.

"Tell me if you want to stop." he says, trailing kisses from her now swollen nipples down to the heat of her womanhood. Sivan's fingers found it's way to her womanhood, teasing it and testing if she'll have violent reactions from what he was doing but Octavia just moaned which Sivan took as positive response, slowly he started eating her out like she was the sweetest treat he'll have in life. Giving all he's love at pleasure her with his tongue and fingers.

"Oh my god." Octavia whispered, panting as pleasure builds inside of her. "Sivan." she called.

"Go on, princess." Slurping sounds was heard across the room as Octavia came undone, her moans are sweet and seductive. "It's not too late yet, princess. Tell me to stop and I'll stop in a single heartbeat." but once again she didn't stop him, instead she pulled him, his face close to hers, as their lips met once more. "I love you, you know that?" Octavia smiled at this, not knowing what to reply, what she knows is that she needed him. Sivan aligned himself to her entrance, inserting himself a little and then pulling back to see her reaction.

"Please." she pleads, pulling Sivan closer. With outmost care he inserted himself in her, feeling her warm insides hugging his member tightly. A tear rolled down Octavia's eyes, she wasn't really expecting Sivan to be this huge, but it soon subside and was replaced by immense pleasure. Sivan moved, his breath hitching as Octavia's moans and warm insides sends him to heaven and back.


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