Chapter 9

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We were laying in the grass, me and Thomas. We've been laying here for hours. I sit there wondering if anyone knows about our little secret. "Come on Jen it's time to get up" he says. "But I don't want to, just 5 more minutes." I complain. "Fine" he says intertwining our fingers. Suddenly I hear laughing and look up to see Minho there laughing. "So Thomas and Jennifer, huh? What do ya know" Minho says erupting into another fit of laughter. "Minho shut your shuck butt up" Thomas said "o.k.a.y" says Minho. Minho finally walks away with a smirk plastered on his face. "Thomas I'll meet you for dinner, I got to go to the potty" I say.

I go to the bathroom and do my business. While in the somewhat of a stall there is a broken up mirror and I finally see myself. I have long dirty blonde hair, and i am short. Just then do I realize I need new clothes. I decide I'll ask Thomas for some. When I finally walk out of the stall I see I am not alone. "Hello there" oh gosh it's gally. "Gally move. Now" I say. "Or what" he says and takes a step closer pushing me up against a wall. "Jennifer don't be afraid." Gally says gagging me. He starts to unbutton my
Shirt and That's when I lost it. I threw a punch at his face and to my surprise I hit his nose causing it to bleed. I take that as my chance to scream and run. "Thomas, newt somebody help!" I yell.

Not moments after that both arrive. "Jennifer what's wrong" newt asks "g- Gally he, he attacked me and tried to..." I said and couldn't finish. "Hey it'll be okay" Thomas said trying to smooth me. " I punched him in the face Newt, and he is still in the bathroom." I say. "Okay I'll take care of it. Thomas watch out for her" newt says leaving. "Okay, come on Jenny lets go eat" he says slinging his arm around my shoulder and pecking my lips. "Okay let's go" I say smiling.

When we make it to dinner I am apparently the talk of the glade. Wow how does news spread so fast? Anyways me and Thomas get some salad and fish with juice and find a place by Chuck. "How are you doing Jen?" He asked. "Okay thanks for asking" I reply. I eat my dinner silently, not talking to anyone. When I finish I walk out the door of the hut when Alby pulls me aside. "Hey Alby what so you want?" I says. "Jennifer we have decided that you will be sleeping in the homestead. We have an extra bed for you. We decided that after the incident we needed to keep you safe" Alby says. "Okay thanks, and can Thomas sleep in there too?" I ask. "Sure, have fun kiddo" Alby says smirking.

When I get back Thomas is waiting there for me. "Hey me and you are sleeping in the homestead starting tonight, Alby said so" I tell him. "Okay let's go get our stuff" Thomas said. After we got all of our stuff we went up to our room and guess what it has a mirror and its own bathroom! I practically squeal at that. "Oh Thomas there doesn't happen to be any extra clothes for me anywhere that I can use is there?" I ask. "Oh speaking of which there was a box with your name on it, I'll go get it now." he says leaving.

He come out minutes later with a big box. "I will leave you a bit of time to go through your stuff" he says "okay thanks" I say with a smile. When he leaves I open the box. Inside are 2 tank tops blue and green, 2 pairs of shorts black gym shorts and khakis, and a pink sweatshirt. Also some black Nike tennis shoes. I also have received hair bands, a brush, pads I laughed at that, a small hatchet, and shower stuff. I was very very pleased. I am about to put all the stuff away when I see a note.
We are watching don't forget your mission. You are going to help and save them. Keep an eye on Teresa and Don't be afraid. Remember, Wicked Is Good.

Authors Notes:
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the video is the Tst trailer. It was so good! Don't kill me for leaving you at this ending!

Comment what you think the mission is or should be!!

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