03: logan

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I knock on the bathroom door again, irritated the shower is still running. "Isabel!" I call out, "I need to shower too!" She's been in there forever.

"Use Remi's!" She calls back through the door and I groan loudly.

"She's showering too!"

This is the last time the three of us can go to hot yoga in the morning before classes.

"I have to shave!"

I roll my eyes and walk to the kitchen sink, grabbing a microfiber towel to wipe down most of myself so I don't smell like a stinky ogre in my class. I'd like to try and make a better impression on Daniel Carter since the one I made on the first day wasn't great. Stupid Hunter Walker. I wish I could be smelly next to him, maybe then he'd drop the class and leave me alone.

Yoga was supposed to help me get some of my irritation towards him out before being around him, but this whole shower debacle is not helping. Clearly I need to beat both of my roommates to the shower if there is a next time.

I change into a sweatshirt I cut the neck off of so it hangs off one shoulder and into a pair of leggings, using dry shampoo to clean my curls up a little bit. This stuff is seriously a lifesaver; exactly like my cup of coffee brewing in my Keurig right now. I'd marry that thing if I could.

Just as I'm shouldering my bag, Isabel walks out of the bathroom, steam wafting into the hallway as she looks at me apologetically. "Sorry, I didn't know I had to shave, but it was so long it was poking through my leggings."

"That's almost as gross as being partners with Hunter." I wrinkle my nose, absolutely dreading every minute I have to be in the same vicinity as this guy.

"I hope you know that literally every other girl on campus including me disagrees with you on that." Her eyes get that dreamy look in them that I'm pretty sure I have when I get my hands on a new script.

"Well then you should be trade bodies with me to live out your dream."

"Dude, he can't be all bad. Think of it like meeting a celebrity and getting to know them on a personal level because that's what happens when you write a script with someone." She says as Remi's bedroom door opens and she pokes her head out.

"Are we talking about Hunter again? I happily volunteer as tribute if you are thinking of bailing." She says, using a towel to dry her short blonde hair.

"You both are terrible and he is insufferable." I snort, disappointed in my roommates' taste in men. "I have to go or I'm going to look like Hunter walking in late because my time is more important than everyone else's."

"Just give him a chance! He might surprise you!" Isabel says just as the front door of our apartment closes behind me.

I'm halfway to the theater before I realize that I left my coffee sitting on the counter because Isabel distracted me. I groan, knowing that it's too late for me to go back and get it or I really will be late like Hunter was.

"Glad to know that it's not just me that makes you unhappy." The fucking devil chimes in from right behind me. My eye twitches as I cross my arms over my chest to turn and look at him. It's the first time I've stood next to Hunter at the same time as him and it makes me feel like a child because of how much taller than me he is. "Wow, you really are short."

Do not kick him. Do not kick him. Do not kick him. Oh god, it's really tempting to give into my childish desires to kick him right in the shin. "Is there anything positive you'd like to say to me or are you going to continue insulting me every time you see me?" I snap at him, my temper flaring, but to give myself credit, I don't kick him.

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