29: logan

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I keep anxiously looking at Hunter through the mirror as he lounges on my bed responding to recruiters that have reached out to him about some combine. At least that's what I think Hunter called it. I don't really understand any of it, but I'm doing my best to support him because that's exactly how he feels about tonight.

I know he doesn't want me to go. He hasn't said it, but I've spent enough time with him that I can tell when he wants to say something and isn't.

But I need this. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity and I'd be risking my entire future career if I didn't go.

I heard everything Hunter said and I understand it all completely. I heard everything he said and didn't say. Kai and I went over it all in great detail over coffee the next day and he agreed that as long as I'm careful, it should be fine. He thought it was weird that Daniel Carter gave me his number, agreeing with Hunter that was a boundary that shouldn't have been crossed.

I just need tonight to go well.

Hunter looks effortlessly handsome in his pale blue team sweatshirt with his blond hair curling slightly at the ends, but the sight of him using my pink fuzzy blanket makes me smile.

"You're staring," He says without looking up from his phone.

"Obviously, you're hot." I reply back teasingly.

His green eyes flit up to me in amusement, "You're right, but you're hot too." He takes in my turtleneck and dress pants that only make it glaringly obvious how short I am. "You're also going to be hot in that."

"Probably, but not an inch of my skin is showing so there's no way this can be misconstrued as anything other than a work dinner." I say, moving closer to him.

Hunter sighs, setting his phone down. "Logan, I'm fine. I want you to go, and I want you to wear something you'll be comfortable in."

"I'm comfortable in this?"

"Are you sure?" He asks, raising his eyebrows in doubt.

"Positive. Will you come over after?" Honestly, I kind of wish Hunter could come with me tonight. But based on Daniel Carter's comments about Hunter, I feel like that's the last thing I should do. I'd certainly feel more comfortable if he were going to be there, but we can't pick and choose everything in life.

"I would love to, but I have to get up early so I don't know if I can stay over all night." He says, twirling one of my curls around his finger before letting it fall back into place. "Your curls are one of my favorite things about you."

I can feel my cheeks heat up instantly because my curls are something I've struggled with. In highschool, I would go through phases where I'd straighten it every single day, or I'd straighten it and then curl it so my hair would look like everyone else's. It was exhausting and took forever for my hair to heal from all the damage I put it through. I've come to love them, but it's hard taming them. "If you want to stay, you can stay. I'll just go back to sleep after you leave."

"Sounds like a plan then." Hunter smiles, but it doesn't quite meet his eyes. Before I can question it further, he presses a gentle kiss to my cheek before getting up. "Tu peux me regarder autant que tu veux. Je suis à toi." You can stare all you want. I'm yours.

"You said you would try harder at teaching me French," I point out, having only caught a few words of that, but not nearly enough to understand.

"Nous avons tout le temps." He says, winking at me playfully. We have plenty of time.

"You're annoying." I pout causing Hunt to laugh softly at me.

"I'm okay with being annoying. I hope tonight goes well for you." He grabs his water bottle and keys off my nightstand. "I'll have my phone on incase you need me."

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