25: logan

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I roll over again in what is actually a really comfortable mattress, but my mind won't stop thinking about Hunter to actually go to sleep. I bet he's probably sleeping just fine right now, and that's really unfair.

I'm seeing parts of Hunter that I might be better off for my sake if I didn't know they existed. Case in point, how great he is with Mirabelle's kids.

Hunter is sitting on the floor playing with his niece and nephew and I'd be lying if I said it doesn't give me butterflies. They're trying to build a tower, but Theo keeps knocking it over causing Clementine to laugh.

Mirabelle sits down on the couch next to me. "Hey," She greets, smiling warmly at me.


Hunter tries to stop Theo from knocking over the tower while Clementine pokes it from the other side where he's not expecting it. He gasps loudly and dramatically, "Clem! How could you?"

She giggles loudly and claps her hands together. "Again Hunt! Again!"

"I guess we can build the tower again," Hunter says, smiling at her as Theo climbs into his lap.

"They love him so much," Mirabelle says quietly to not draw Hunter's attention.

"He loves them too. Hunt said playing with them was his plan for the entire trip." I say watching as they begin the slow process of painstakingly building block by block.

"That's perfectly fine with me; I'm just glad he came. I don't think he would have if you weren't here." She says, looking at me with what I think is gratefulness?

I shake my head slightly, "No, I think he would have come. He didn't want to, but I think Hunter would have come. He loves you all so much."

"Yeah, you're probably right. Hunter would have been here, but not really. I can't blame him either. The situation sucks, but I want my brothers to be happy. I can't pick sides so all I can do is be there both of them."

"That must be hard." I say quietly because I don't know what to say. Hey, I know your one brother really went through it, but your other brother is struggling with the guilt he's put on himself so pay more attention to him? No, I absolutely cannot say that.

"It is, but unfortunately I love them both." She jokes easily. "What I'm really trying to get at is thank you for coming. It's nice having my brother back and I know that you're a big part of that so seriously, thank you."

I can feel my face heat. Mirabelle is giving me way more credit than I deserve. "Really all I do is call him out on his bullshit."

She blinks for a moment before laughter spills from her, "Girl, he needed someone that would do it."

"Are you guys talking about me?" Hunter interrupts as a little human crawls into my lap, surprising me.

"I think your ego is too big," I reply quickly as Clementine shoves her face in my face holding my cheeks with her tiny hands, startling me a little bit. "Well hi sweetheart, you're a little close."

"Wow so pretty," She says in awe, giving me an up close view of her long lashes that frame her big brown eyes.

"Clem, give her a bubble please," Mirabelle says with a sigh and Clem turns to look at her mom.

"Mommy she so pretty!"

"Logan is very pretty," Hunter says and I look at him, fully intending to roll my eyes when he winks playfully at me causing me to forget what I had planned to do in the first place. Stupid boy.

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