16: hunter

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"So when is Logan coming over next?" Grant asks, flopping down onto the couch where I'm actually trying to do homework and not think about Logan. It's almost like Grant knows that and is still choosing to ask about her anyway.

"I don't know," I answer shortly, trying to keep my brain trained on ethics and issues in sports. It's a lot harder than you would think, especially because my brain just wants to sit there and replay kissing Logan. During the kiss, it was great. Afterwards, hearing her tell my friends that she thinks I'm ugly and that's why she kissed me is definitely a sore spot for my ego.

Grant starts to laugh, "Is it still bothering you that she called you ugly?"

"No." Absolutely.

"She doesn't think you're ugly dude. You have a pretty face that's damn hard to ignore and I think you know that. So why does it bother you so much what Logan thinks?" He asks, and I'm just rereading the same sentence over again because he won't shut up.

"It doesn't bother me," I straighten up from my slouched position to look at Grant.

"You really suck at lying." He smiles and I roll my eyes.

"Can you just go somewhere else? I'm trying to get this done. It's due tonight."

"So you're saying it doesn't bother you if I invite Logan to come over and hang out? I like her a lot and so does Finn. She is hilarious, and I could also invite Drew over because he really seemed to like-" The slam of my computer causes Grant to shut up as he looks at me with a knowing smirk.

"Can you just shut up and go somewhere else?"

Grant chuckles, clearly finding this whole situation hilarious. "Hunter, it's okay to admit you have feelings."

"Feelings of annoyance towards you." I snap, just as Cosmo jumps up onto the couch to curl up on my lap probably to help keep me from killing her dad which is looking better and better with every passing moment.

He holds his hands up in defense, "There's no reason to get all mad. I'm just pointing out what I've noticed, and I think you have feelings for her. Obviously you're not ready to admit to that, probably because you made that stupid bet with Emmett. I hope to God you're smart enough to have called that off."

I stare at him in silence, angry that he seems to have this all figured out while I have none of it figured out. As much as I'd hate to admit it if only because it would prove Logan right, I do have conflicting feelings towards her. I didn't expect to enjoy kissing her so much and I certainly didn't expect to have it bother me so much that she thinks I'm ugly.

There's no way that's actually what she thinks because not to sound like JJ or anything, but I got the best genes from my parents. I have the same blonde hair and green eyes as Mom, and I got Dad's dimples, height, and well everything else from him. I mean for fuck's sake, I could open up my direct messages on Instagram right now and probably have at least three brands asking me to be an ambassador for them because it's easy to root for the hot guy.

So what I don't fucking understand is why it bothers me so goddamn much that this one girl doesn't find me attractive. What bothers me more is that I can't get the taste of her strawberry chapstick out of my mind.

"Hunter, you better call off that fucking bet or you're going to lose that girl before you have her." Grant warns, all playfulness gone from his features. My stomach clenches at the thought of Logan not being a part of my life, despite how much I disliked her in the beginning.

"I know. I will. I'm going to call it off." I say quietly. "But not because I want to have her. It's just the right thing to do. I shouldn't have done it to begin with."

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