09: logan

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If I'd known he was going to be this late, I would have just asked Hunter to meet me at the library instead of a coffee shop where everyone is watching me get stood up. I mean, maybe they don't know I'm being stood up, but there's more than a few that have been looking at me curiously for the last twenty-minutes.

Maybe if I put my headphones in and pull my hair back, they'll see that I'm perfectly content to sit here by myself. I'm just also extremely mad at Hunter for telling me that he would be here today, and the not even bothering to send a text that he can't meet?

Okay, but would it really have been better if he hadn't texted me saying he couldn't meet or would I still be pissed at him for not prioritizing this project.

I really hope this doesn't have anything to do with me finding out about his brother. Hunter's been avoiding me since then making it extremely difficult for me to even apologize. My apology is not about my feelings about how he reacted; they're about making sure that he knows that I know I said and did the wrong thing. Fuckkkkk, that still sounds like I'm making it all about me.

The point is that I don't want to make it about me. I want to say sorry, that's all. Well maybe work on our project a little bit, but not entirely sure if that's in the cards for today.

Sry, can't make it: Hunter

My eyebrows nearly jump off my face as I stare at my phone in surprise. No shit Hunter, I figured that you wouldn't be able to make it when I've been sitting here for almost half an hour waiting for him to show up.

Who the fuck does he think he is?

I grab my cup of coffee, leaving a twenty on the table which is plenty more than my two cups of coffee cost while I waited.

I have zero intention of telling Hunter how easy it is to find where he lives, especially just by asking any girl on campus. Especially Klaire. I shiver a little at the thought of them being alone together. I'm not sure why it bothers me, but it does. She's just so...so Klaire. Yuck.

I don't even know what car to look for being his, but I do see movement inside the house so I have no second thoughts about marching my happy ass up the front step to bang on the door.

Barking erupts immediately on the other side of the door and through the tiny window next to it, I see the cutest puppy standing against the glass to stare at me.

The door opens, pulling my attention away from the sweet puppy that had distracted me from my mission. Except it's not Hunter who answers the door.

"Hi, can I help you with something?" He asks, leaning against the doorframe, the puppy cradled in his arms. It looks like a scene out of a television show. Hot guy holding puppy, flashes in neon lights above his head.


Suddenly, mystery guy's face lights up. "Are you Logan?"

"Yes?" I say, shifting my feet because I'm not entirely sure of how fond I am of this random guy knowing my name after I show up at his door.

"Do you want to come in? I'm actually kind of glad you stopped by. Saves me and Grant the trouble of tracking you down when he inevitably does something so stupid he can't take back." He says, shaking his head as he sets the puppy down on all four paws after shutting the door behind him. "This is Cosmo. Careful, she has no idea that her claws hurt."

"And you are?" I ask, finally finding my words. Too bad it's after I already walked into a strange person's house. Albeit a nice house, way nicer than the apartment I live in with Isabel and Remi.

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