34: hunter

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We're in a good spot.

Logan's parents left a few days ago, and ironically, all of their questions that they asked to try and form cracks in our relationship actually ended up forcing us to have a conversation we needed to have about our future.

I survived by the skin of my teeth. I'm not really sure what Logan thinks at all right now. I mean, she could be happy about New York, but she also looked like she was about to cry. I'm so awesome I made my girlfriend cry about the idea of staying together longer than graduation. Maybe I'm just a really awful boyfriend and she's being polite because her parents are here.

I mean...she didn't even tell them about me?

I made it through the entire day, trying to suck it up because I can have feelings—hurt feelings about what it might mean that Logan didn't tell her parents about me.

I know that their relationship is complicated and I can't even begin to understand how to navigate that dynamic, but it hurts a little that she hasn't even told them that we're together. It's not lost on me that since we got together, everything has been kind of put on pause because of Daniel fucking Carter. I hate him. I hate him for hurting her and I hate that I can't do anything about it. I just hate him and it all scares me.

I don't want to panic and work myself into a worrying state over the fact Logan didn't tell her parents about me. But it scares me because I'm sitting here planning for a future beyond a few months which is something I haven't done since I was dating Kaitlyn. I have no choice in where I will end up, but I know that both the Jets and the Giants will be looking to draft a backup quarterback in the draft to replace their respective ones in the coming years.

Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

It's a lot easier said than done.

"Hunt?" Logan asks quietly, resting her hand on my arm briefly as I register the car behind me laying on their horn. "Are you okay?"

"Oh fuck, the light is green." I swear, pulling out into the intersection to head back to Logan's. I wave up in the air in apology to the driver behind me.

"Are you okay?" Logan repeats and I smile automatically.

"Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

Logan's playing with the edge of her skirt. "Because you're sitting there staring off into space for a really long time after the light turned green. Do you want me to drive?"

"Nope, I'm fine. I'm okay."

I'm really not okay. I'm freaking out. Fuck, I shouldn't be driving if I can slip into a dissociative state like that. I've been doing so good. Susan says that they're more likely to happen when I have something that's bothering me so much that I can't focus on anything else.

I flip my turn signal on and I look in my mirrors before pulling over. I can feel Logan staring at me. I drag my hands over my face, breathing out.

"I'm sorry about my parents. I think you did great answering all their questions. I mean, you had zero heads up about anything—"

"Why didn't you tell them about me?" I look at her, feeling guilty for even having these feelings right now.

Logan's face softens, "I was going to. I just haven't talked to them since we left to go to France. My family is complicated Hunter. It's hard for me to talk to them, especially when they normally shit on the things that are important to me. I guess I didn't tell them about you because their opinion regarding our relationship isn't something I wanted to hear."

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