Ch.13: Missed Connections

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It was that time again to get assigned jobs. Thankfully, everyone wasn't in the same job they had before, but it wouldn't have been the end of the world if they were.

Sua doubted if her and Siyeon would be placed in the same area due to the new rules, but luck seemed to play in her favor. While she still had to work with her new partner, she felt more comfortable that Siyeon was still in the area with her in one way or another. Plus, it was a way to keep an eye on Soyeon and to make sure that Siyeon didn't explode by the other girl's antics. It was a win-win situation.

Well, it was more of a win-win-win situation this time around. They were placed in the agricultural department. That would mean they would be on the outside of the prison building on the opposite side of the yard. They were obviously still fenced in, but it still gave them a huge opportunity. They would be able to see the perimeter with their own eyes before it would be explained to them later by the other half of their team. But the thing was, that wasn't what Sua was focused on this time around. Something else took over her mind immediately.

Being in the hot summer sun meant that it would get sweaty in their jumpsuits, which leads to unzipping half of it where the simple tank top gets exposed. Siyeon was no exception to this. Seeing her muscles glistening in the bright sunlight made her lose all thoughts. She couldn't keep her eyes off of her. While she admits Mingi was right about hiding her affection for her around other prisoners, she wished she could just pounce on her right then and there. Why did the two agree not to be in contact with each other until they get to the prison yard?! Sua was starting to regret that decision, but she had to stay strong. Something that was harder to maintain the more she fawned over the girl.

She must stay focused. She turned away as to not be distracted by her girlfriend anymore and transfered all that attention back to her job. Gradually, she was able to think more clearly and was able to do what she was originally trying to do. In the meantime, it didn't sound like there was a fight breaking out between Siyeon and Soyeon. That seemed to be a good sign at least. Them not talking to each other at least confirmed that they are trying to tolerate each other.

As for the perimeter, the outside was more open than they thought. She didn't think she would see as much of the outside world as she did then, but this played to their advantage nicely. The only thing stumping her at the moment was seeing the two guard towers not far from her position. They would have to think of a way around that later.

She kept her eyes peeled for any new scenary she didn't come across yet when a "psst" caught her attention. She turned around to find Siyeon being the source of the sound. And again, her focus changed to her toned arms, which are even closer to her now. She had to use every fiber of her being to turn herself back around and talk to her without looking at her.

"I thought we agreed that we can't contact each other outside of yard hours."

"I know, but I missed you. I just wanted to hear your voice."

"It's only been a couple days." But still, Sua couldn't help but be endeared with Siyeon's statement.


"Don't worry, it won't be too much longer. Soon, we'll be back in each other's arms cuddling while watching dramas together."

"Can't wait."

"But until then, we have to follow the rule. I love you, but unless you have anything else to say, then let's not bring anymore attention to us."

"There's one more thing."

"What's that?" Sua looked back at her one last time during thier shift.

"...Love you too." Siyeon gave Sua a warming smile that Sua also gave back to her before the both of them got back to work in silence.

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