Ch.16: Dreams and Nightmares

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Warning: There are graphic descriptions around the halfway point of the chapter as well as a mention of death (it's an OC, btw). As usual, if you wish to skip this part, I will leave a safer summary of what happened in the Author's Notes as well as warn you with a "!" right before it happens and after it's done. If there are any parts that you feel should've been warned and/or should've had the "!" added to that too, let me know.

The prison yard meeting was back once again. It was a bit different than last time. Mostly for the reason that a potential investor had just toured the place that day and that particular activity had to be postponed until they left for safety reasons.

Although the group knew of who the investors actually were, they didn't expect their meeting to be held off for a bit, which meant that they had more time to think about what they had to say. Both Siyeon and Gahyeon had their own concerns about the outcome of their conversations with their respective girlfriends. Both hoping to avoid the worst case scenario that occasionally floated through their heads.

Soon the horn blared, signaling to everyone that it was time. Both girls walked in silence as the crowd was slowly lead outside. They were fortunate that they had developed the habit of spending time with themselves before the meeting started. Secrets could be kept. While they wish they could tell the others, there were things that had to be kept behind closed doors from others for their own sake.

Siyeon sat at their table, nervous about her upcoming conversation. She always feared the worst. It came with the territory of being negatively cursed for so long, but it was something that was ingrained in her head that wouldn't go away any time soon. Eventually, maybe. Just not now. She just wished Sua could get there faster as she fidgetted her fingers. The sooner she talks about it, the sooner she can stop thinking about it. What if she thinks that Siyeon's gone crazy? What if Sua thinks she's overreacting? What if she doesn't believe her at all?

"Hey, baby. Something wrong?" Sua spoke quietly. She knew she wasn't supposed to be obvious about their relationship, but she thought that addressing her like that would relax Siyeon a bit.

Hearing the pet name broke Siyeon out of her thoughts. Her voice brought a smile to her face that seemed to ease some the tension she was feeling. "Nothing that you should be too worried about."

"You say that like there is a worry in there somewhere."

"It depends on how you react."

"Siyeon, what is it?"

"I had a dream."

"Babe, did you have a nightmare? It must've really spooked you to affect you this much. Don't worry, they're just dreams. They aren't real. If they were,  you'd still be chased by your doll-like doppelgänger that you told me about. No matter how realistic it feels, there's nothing to worry about. They aren't going to happen."

"That's the thing. I think it was real...God, now that I'm saying this out loud, I seem nuts."

"While I still don't understand what your talking about, this isn't the weirdest thing I've heard. If I can believe you had a curse, I'll believe you here. There's weird magic shit going around. I'm more likely to believe what you have to say after all that. So, why do you think this was real?"

With that reassurance in mind, Siyeon took a deep breath in and out before answering. "I think what I had was a vision. I looked into the past. Really far into the past. I was in the body of another woman. I was able to feel her emotions along with my own. It was like all my senses were connected to her. It all felt so real. It was like I was actually her. I've never experienced this before."

"Well, what happened?"

Siyeon took out the paper that had her notes about the dream written on it in case she forgot anything. "I was in this fancy bedroom. I had no idea how I got there and neither did she. A prince came into the room and explained how he saved her from drowning. It turned out that they were childhood friends when he used to disguise himself as a peasant. They were close. Really close. I could feel her heart pounding for him."

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