Major Heartburn

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"While the risk to the general public remains low, we encourage all Tennesseans to exercise caution and good general hygiene practices as there are serious risks to our vulnerable populations. We will continue to evaluate and adapt our position accordingly to fit what we believe is best for Tennesseans."

The TV was on, tuned to whatever news channel Evie could pick up that Thursday morning. Normally she didn't really care much about the local news. It was always the same old stuff. There'd be a shooting, or a report of some severe accident on the highway followed by some uplifting story about a school fundraiser. But it seemed that right now, the news was something she couldn't keep away from.

It is early March now. And all anyone could really talk about was this new virus that had entered the country. Kelsey had texted her about it while she and Josh were on their first date, but she hadn't really paid attention until it was all in her face. It was on Reddit, people were speculating about it on her Facebook, and there were even clips from the news that somehow popped up in her recommendations on YouTube about the spread of this mysterious virus. And when the governor announced the first case of it landing in Nashville a few days ago, now she invested.

"You know, the World Health Organization called this a global pandemic officially yesterday," Kelsey said quietly from her side of the couch, "It's kinda giving me Walking Dead vibes with how fast it's spreading. Did you see how bad it's getting in New York?"

"I did yeah," Evie replied, swallowing her last bit of cereal, "They said the governor up there's thinking of shutting the city down."

"You think they'll do it here?"

Evie looks back up at the TV, watching intently as the governor started answering questions. Just about a week ago, this whole virus thing had been an afterthought. It reminded her so much of the swine flu scare when she was a kid and she got the idea that other people had felt the same. "I dunno," she said finally, "All I know is it's crazy that this thing went from a 0 to 100 in a matter of days. I don't like it."

Evie remembered briefly as a little girl about how the Swine Flu had taken over when she was in elementary school. It had been scary to hear about but she couldn't recall it being as mainstream as this was. Already there were videos all over the internet speaking of the mass amounts of death that the virus was spreading in China. "If they shut the city down, we're gonna be fucked," Kelsey mumbled, getting up from the couch to return her empty cereal bowl to the sink, "You k know for a fact that Deli Den is gonna close up. Vish is a major germaphobe." Evie's phone chimed in her pocket, and she sighed, "Yeah, I know... We'll just see where it goes I guess..."

Phone in hand, Evie sees that it's a text from Josh and her heart starts to race. She wasn't sure if it was out of anxiety or excitement.

Is there any chance I could call you? I know it's early, but it's kind of important. Just let me know when you're free. :)

The smiley face at the end was a little comforting. He might have just added it to make her feel better, but it also could mean nothing. "Hey Kels, I'm gonna borrow the balcony for a second." Out there at least she knew that her friend wouldn't be able to hear much. Before Kelsey could even respond, the sliding door was shutting behind Evie while her fingers were furiously typing away at the screen, "I'm free right now," Evie replied, "Feel free to call :))."

Evie leans up against the balcony ledge and glances out across the city's skyline. Despite the fact the news spoke of a deadly virus on the horizon, everything looked like it was business as usual down below on the streets. Same traffic, same small crowds of people going about their day on the sidewalks below. Would it even really change that much? She wondered if people would really take it seriously. Her phone then lights up and starts to buzz, indicating that Josh was calling. Quickly, she answers with her heart in her throat.

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