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After couple of days locking myself in my room, after hearing Haymitch yelling and begging me to come out and move on with my life by saying good things and the possibilities that life can be good again, i finally separated my body with the bed. I make my way to the shower and take a long and warm shower. I change into a new set of cloth and walking down the stairs.

I drink a full glass of milk and heading myself out from the front door. I think i need to take a walk and breath in some fresh air. I am not really sure where i am heading to but i just let my leg to decide.

Now i am walking towards the meadow, place where i will always feel where i belong to, where i can feel safe and free. But then i stop myself, i stand in front the fence like an ice. I don't move just stay at the same spot but i know that i am slowly melting to the grown. All the memory that i shared with Prim, my father and Gale being in the meadow come across my mind. I hate myself for being so weak like this. All the things around me keep bringing me back to the time where all the people that i loved so much in my life still be with me. I push the thought quickly because i know if i keep letting myself into it i will be here crying like crazy.

I returned to Victor Village straight away after that. I think i should visit Haymitch and maybe ask him is there any news about Peeta.

Haymitch POV
While reading some article from the newspaper my phone rang. It is a little weird because in District 12 we seldom receive a call cause we usually just meet each other if we need to say something. I hesitated at first but then i just answer it.

"Hey Haymicth is that you"the caller said.
"Yes and who are you"i asked
"Haymitch it has been a while we didn't talk to each other. Its me Plutarch. I need to talk to you about something that is related to Peeta. " His voice sound a little worried at the end of his sentence.
"Ohh okay, just tell me about it. I hope it is a good one because i am so worried about Katniss lately. She is not doing so well over here. "
"Well we still trying to find the suitable medicine to handle all of his episodes but we keep failing on every test. I started i feel a little worried about it Haymitch. Snow have done something really bad to Peeta. But when he was being himself, Peeta kept calling for Katniss. Peeta always dream about her at night then woke up screaming to help her from taken by some kind of mutt. Last two days i thought that i will bring him back to District 12 for couple of days to let him meet with Katniss but then he experienced a very horrible episode. He kept saying that Katniss is a mutt that cause all of the destruction, the war and the one that killed his family. It needs 15 of my people to struggle him down and injected him with a sleeping drug." Plutarch explained it clearly so that i will not miss any of his points.
It is hard for me to believe the fact that Peeta did not have any improvement since the Capitol trying to help him out with the hijacking. What am i going to say to Katniss. She is already torn apart, i cannot imagine what will happen if she find out all about this.
"Haymicth you still on" Plutarch voices brought me back to the reality.
"Ya ya i am still over here, just taking some time thinking and taking in all the news" i answered him.
"So what are we going to do next Haymitch, do you think it will a good idea if we just bring him back to District 12 cause at least now he can managed to look after himself and controlled some of the small episodes but not the major one. It still worried me much though. " Plutarch sound really confused.
There is a long silence before i talk. I cleared my throat and continue my conversation to Plutarch.
" Plutarch, i think we should just bring him back over here. Maybe both of them need each other side by side t heal each other. I know it is a little bit dangerous but we will see what happen next. So i say just bring Peeta here. I will do what ever to help him if he has an episodes. Just bring all his medicines that he will need to calm down so that i could just give it to him when he is going crazy."
"You are sure about this Haymitch" Plutarch asked for a confirmation.
"Yup, i'm positive about it because i know Katniss and Peeta will help each other. They need each other to be one again. "
"Okay then, i will send him over this Saturday"
"Okay, that sounds perfect. So now i need to tell Katniss about all of this. Okay bye" then i hang up the phone.

Katniss POV
As i walk towards Haymitch's front door i hear he is still talking to someone over the phone.
At first i think i am just going to visit him later but then his conversation just caught my attention. I am questioning myself who is hi talking to cause i can made out that they are talking about Peeta. I heard Haymitch keep saying his name together with my name. I am getting scared right now. I started to think that there is something bad happened to Peeta. While i am dealing with the inner me by saying that Peeta is okay, Haymitch open his front door and we both surprise seeing each other.
"What are you doing standing in front of my house and just stood there like a rock?" Haymitch asked
"I.I...I just wanted to see you and then i heard you are talking with someone over the phone"
"Haymitch i heard you talking about Peeta, what is going on. He is okay, isn't he?" I sounded a little shaky because to scared to hear what ever that will come out through Haymitch's mouth.
Haymitch just stood there for a while, trying to find out how he is going to tell me about the news.
"Haymitch please tells me what is going on!!!" My eyes starts to fill ups with tears.
"Okay Katniss, just calm down for a while. Lets talk about it at your house, i planed to go there to see you to talk about the news actually".
I just nod and follow Haymitch towards my house still eager to know about the news. I hope it is a good one cause if it is not i don't know how to handle it and plus it is about Peeta.

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