You May Kiss Your Bride

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Chapter Fifteen

Ratliff's POV

"We are gathered here today to witness the coming together of two families, through their children. Rydel and Ellington have chosen to become one today in front of their friends and family, and their Father."

Ratliff looked across the room, and smiled out of disbelief that they had so many people who loved them. They were the luckiest people alive.

"Marriage not only joins two people together, but it joins families. Rydel and Ellington are proud parents to a beautiful little girl, and they wanted to include her in their ceremony. So now I would like to introduce little Ramona."

Rydel turned around and took their daughter from her mom. His heart smiled when he saw his little girl. She was in a soft pink dress that puffed around her legs.

She was the second most beautiful girl that he had ever had the privilege of laying eyes on.

"Here before me is a vase. Beside it, three smaller vases filled with coloured sand. The pink represents Rydel, the blue Ellington, and the purple, their child. Together the sand will represent the coming together of their family."

Ellington grabbed the blue vase that represented his life, and poured it slowly into the larger one. The blue intertwined with the pink that was his beautiful bride. He then took his daughter's hand, and helped her pour it on top of the blue and the pink that already had mixed. When all of the sand had been emptied, they stood together, and both kissed their little daughters head.

Rydel then handed Ramona back to her mother, and their hands finally met again.

"There is nothing in the world more valuable than words, and being musicians, Rydel and Ellington have always expressed themselves through words. It was only fitting that they wrote their own vows. This is what they have to say to one another, Ellington?"

Ellington looked at the Minister, who nodded to him, a sign of approval. It was his time to tell the room how much his fiance meant to him.

"I have known this beautiful woman for over five years" he began, "And for most of that time, she has been my best friend; a person for me to turn to, a shoulder to cry on, and most recently, a reason to smile. She means the world to me, and the only regret that I have is that it took me so long to realize it. Most people my age don't have the benefit of saying that they fell in love with their forever friend, but I do. You continue to amaze me with just how beautiful and how kind hearted you are. And now that I get to see you being a mother to that beautiful little girl, I cannot imagine my life spent anywhere than right here with you. I love you Rydel Lynch, and I vow to you, to forever stand by your side, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poor, as long as we both shall live. I love you."

She squeezed his hand with hers, and then removed it to wipe the tears that had fallen from her eyes. It was good to see that his words still had a positive impact on her.

"I don't know how I'm supposed to follow that" she laughed, taking a deep breath. Then she pulled a piece of folded paper from her bouquet.

"We did it Ell" she smiled at him, her forehead creasing just slightly, "We made it. Through thick and thin, sickness and death, we made it. And I could not imagine being here with anyone else. Something that you don't know, that I have never told you, is that I have always loved you. Since the day we met, it was true love for me. I spent most of my teenage years daydreaming about this day, and every scenario, it was you that I was marrying. You would sweep me off my feet, and tell me that you would never love anyone else the way that you loved me. And that was enough. But now, five years later, my dreams are becoming reality. I am truly living my dreams, and they all end with you. So I vow to you, Ellington, to forever stand by your side, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poor, as long as we both shall live. I love you."

She had to whisper those last few words, just to him, for her emotions had gotten the best of her. She laughed as he wiped the tears from her cheeks, placing her own hand atop his.

He just couldn't take his eyes off of her, his beautiful best friend, now soon his wife.

He was truly the luckiest man in the world.

"It is with the great power invested in me, that I pronounce you, Ellington Ratliff, and Rydel Lynch, husband and wife. Ellington, you may now kiss your bride."

As if the past five years had been pulled out of his heart right then and there, all of the pain, the heartbreak, the regrets, it was all gone. For his life began right there in that church, in front of his family, new and old, and his wife.

He kissed her with every hope for their new beginning, and every fear for their last goodbye. His new life had begun, and words couldn't describe how beautiful it truly was.

Well there it is, the final chapter of Everlasting Love!

It's been quite a journey this book has been, hasn't it? Lots of tears and romance, and it all happened over the course of a day!

I want to know, your 100% honest opinion, how was this book, in comparison to the four others? Or on it's own? I just need to know if my writing is still affecting people!

And of course the biggest question, should there be a sixth book? Or should this be it? I do have an idea for the new book, but I will only write it of people will be interested in reading!

Once again, I have to express how undyingly grateful I am for all of your love and support. I started these books, over two years ago, and I have accumulated over 150,000 reads. That is so amazing to me, and it's all thanks to you beautiful people! I can't express how much I love you all!

I hope this meets your expectations!

As always, go check out my other R5 related fanfics and get them to as many reads and votes as possible!!

I love you to the moon and back!!

Natalie xxxx

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