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Hey dear!

Welcome to one and the first of my books.
For those who don't know and need to know, I don't write cute, bright, or sweet romance books. I'm not good at them and they are also not really in my genre.

I write and aim to be better at writing bittersweet, dark, psychotic, and deep sensual romance book that opens a door to obsessed male protagonist I call antagonists, strong but soft-minded female protagonist, gay characters, different ways people express their love, and to create awareness on the disorders and phobias people have and suffer from.

If this isn't your genre or type of book, you should leave it for your safety.

Warning! There will be gored, violent, attempted rape scenes, and trafficking of teenagers and women, profanities, mature content, bdsm-presence of harmful objects during sex, stalking, abuse, insecurity, and phobias. Oh! Did I forget dacryphilia? agliophilia? agraphilia?

Note! I am solely against rape, harassment, and drug, child or women trafficking. I will not and never support the act. If you've fallen victim to any of these acts and need help or support, talk to someone you trust, whether it be an elder or agemate, or go to www.wannatalkaboutit.com by Netflix.

If the scenes or acts in this book trigger past events or doings, please put yourself first. Although I have warned you, I'll give slight warnings at the beginning of every chapter containing the acts listed above.

With all these being said, you may proceed safely if all warnings have been and will be adhered to.

Happy reading!


Copyright © 2023 by Dark Euphorism

All rights reserved, the author does not allow her book to be used or adapted in any form, either to be translated or not without the author's permission.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Plagiarism is a crime. If found guilty of this crime, very strict action will be taken.

Any ideologies, beliefs and religion contradictory to readers ideologies, beliefs and religion, please remember that this book is a work of fiction.

Negative comments, spoilers or even bullying are not allowed in the comment section, If found it will be deleted and the offender will be reported.

Please read the tags to find out if this book is safe for you or not, if it's for your age range or not and if it matches your taste.

If the book doesn't match your taste, kindly hop off the ride and use the exit please.

Author's note

I had to change this story again, hope this one's gonna be better.

Please vote and comment babydoll♥︎

~ Dark Euphorism

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