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"My name is Scarlett Snow Embers, I'm deadly near to 21, filled to the brim with regret as bullets, screw through these no longer sound walls. I stare hear, knowing the only really thing in my life is dead. It's quite foolish you know, to think that anyone could help me or even attempt to save that, that wasn't even claimed by her mother. To be a daughter to a father, who only wanted a boy. I lay here shoot and against these old school wall. I can't believe I've finally fell in love."

"His name was Sage, and he did all that he could until the end. Even testing my ex to the extent of death. Ricky's still shooting back, in some sick attempt to protect me. Haha, me of all people, he calls me his queen. It's becoming truly hard to breath. For my king is dead, and now my black knight lays down his blood to protect me. It's laughable, no it's implausible. I'm laughing to hide the pain and crying to clean my hands. I'm going to die here there it's unavoidable and inexcusable, to die here in these cold damp walls, air filled with smoked and guns blazing to and fro. But I could stop this all, I could right all the wrongs, and do something worth...."

It was at that moment the door blew open, as bright light rushed in, distilling through the gray haze. Ricky was low on mags and I knew this was it. Yet every thing grew silent, and shots were fired behind. The sounds of groans and body's falling broke the silence, as I saw him there limping in the door way barely able to walk, pistol in hand and bleeding down his arm, his teal button up shirt, now stained a darken violet. My lips quivered and wanted to speak but instead I fell on my side and watched as Ricky darted around the corner pointing his barrel to my beloveds head.

"You're a fool for trying you know" Ricky spoke with such confidence, as Sage stood there staring off into the smoke, as if he could see me. "So you don't have anything to say do you huh?" Ricky belted out, growing the room cold. "She's bleeding..." Was all Sage said, as he lifted his hand. "No way man, put that gun down, Scar and I are together now and we're leaving this place together" Ricky shouted, Sages eyes started to flow to me as mine started to lose sight of him. "She's going to die, Ricky, and it's all your fault." Sage started to speak as Ricky punched him knowing him over a near by desk. "You shut up! You just shut up! You can't come in here and start talking such lies." He started to shoutout while throwing punches into Sage, knocking him to the ground. "Ricky, you're so self absorbed, can't you tell she'll die! Just like all those innocent people you killed. Tell me Ricky why does she deserve to die? You chase her, stalker her for 3 years now, you're hate is all towards me not her. So tell me man what's wrong with you, why must you do this!" Sage gently said yet filled with distaste, I wanted to move but my wound was worsen, and speaking wasn't an option. "You know what man" Ricky said while pulling sage by his hair, "I should of killed you back than on the pier, or maybe last time we met. Because just as we were kids you're stealing her all for yourself." Ricky swelled with rage. "I'm done with you and you cheap crap, you can't help everyone, tell crescent thanks for her services when you get to the grave." Yet as he was about to pull the trigger, he pointed the gun towards me, unknowing I was there, ready to fire his second to last shot. The gun fired and my screams filled the room. As Ricky's face went white.

"Checkmate right? Full circle, what comes around goes around right? I didn't get hit by that car, unless Ricky was always that car despite being destined for me to be his road kill. I thought back to my child hood, to my mother and father both ungrateful, yet they appeared to me as the best I could of asked for until they left. I could feel the blood, I could taste it, it's bitter sweet taste. My sisters death, and all my friends, the smell of cherry cigs filled the room and the sky rocketed into the sun as I felt the end. There was no needs for pretty words, nor any type of remorse, Ricky had what he had wanted. My life was his, forever under his belt....

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