Sorrow is often a Spice

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The summer time was always the best no school and hanging with crescent, sleep overs and nail party's. Pre-teen days were behind us and 15 was the new 18. I had the best boyfriend a girl could ask and the best friend. Oh yeah, and Sage, that depressed kid, but with a big heart. School was so lame and my night was filled with boy stories and crescent and I speaking of our future. We even got to invite Ricky and Greg, crescents crush of the week. This night would never end and always be remembered.

"Scar, guess what?" Crescents eyes lit up the night Greg wants to go all the way tonight. "Tonight" I questioned with fear of my folks. "But Crescee, my folks they could wake up and catch us." I pleaded, as if I wasn't thinking of Ricky and I under my violet punk covers. But than my house phone rang as I rushed down stairs hoping my sweetie would answer the other line.

Me: Jello, cutie
Sage: Its Sage, where you expecting your boyfriend or something?
Me: No "shuffling my hands" he wouldn't be calling me this late, actually "grinning eagerly " why are you calling?
Sage: oh well, I wanted to talk to you

I never imagined that call would last until the early morning it was nearly sunrise and Ricky and Greg were a no show. So I posed up the stairs and laid beside crescent. "So how's sage?" She laughed lightly. I froze up but didn't know why. "He's fine just concerned" I assured her. "Concern your good goods weren't getting taking." She laughed failing around my bed, "No not at all" I blushed red enough I'm sure I shined in the dark. "He just wanted me to know a few things" I tried to make known, she laughed as we fell asleep just enjoying the sweet ideas.

The next morning the door bell rang, it was still dark out, way to dark to even deserve being called day. "Who is it?" I groaned laying my face against the cold wooden door. "It me, sage." The voice called back light yet clear. I rushed to wipe the sleep from my face as I opened the door. "Don't you know its Five in the morning?" I exclaimed. "Well I was worried about you, I didn't sleep after you hung up." H paused staring at the door mat. "Well, thats no good, you need your sleep. How about you come in and sleep with us." I grinned while pulling his hand up the stairs. "It will be fun." I assured him, "Just think about it, the three of us in the same, " I stopped only to notice crecent had taken the whole bed to herself.

"It's okay" He grinned slightly pulling me close to him. "We can sleep here, right infront of the door." I wanted to push him away, I wanted to move her and tell him to go home. But that night, tho only a few hours, just cuddling him as he slept was a bliss I wouldn't trade for the world.

The written goes on to be fiction or history

With the ending of grade school, that was the ending of Sage. He had to leave for what? He never told me. For how long I never knew. But I was in highschool now and Ricky and I had finally called to to be true.

"Your hair looks so beauitful in the snow Scar." Ricky spoke softly while wipping the snow from my cheek. His hands were always so warm back than, before the black and blue scars of the ink stains he made. Thinking back to all this, it all feels like a lie. Did Sage even leave? Or did I simpl ignore him while vasting in the beauty of a false realation? Its a shame how the History books are written by the victor and no by the ones who died fighting fr what they belived to be right.

"It's crazy to say the least Ricky" I smiled brushing his hand away. "Scar, you know I love you right" He spoke while resting his head upon my shoulder. "Of course I do silly why do you ask that?" I questioned while holding his face, meeting him at eye level. He was a fraud, he was a lie and a cheat. For only the day before he had done what he wanted instead of what he needed. "Nothing Scar" He laughed it off walking into the school, as if I wasn't wise enough to see past the words he so kindly laid before me.

I don't hate ricky, not even alittle, I just wish he hadn't had done what he did to her. If only I was more giving, to the simple idea instead of chickening out. No! What am I saying what he did was uncalled for and has ruined her life forever. "Ugh, I wish sage was here" Those were the words. I recalled speaking to myself.

Ashes to Ashes We Walk with such umbrage

After my screams silenced the room, Ricky dropped to his knees, as I opened my eyes, I was untouched, and there between the two of us laid Sage. Ricky's face was white as my middle name, and sage wasn't even moving, I pulled myself to him, and laid my hand over his wound, I knew he had lost to much blood, and would be blessed, no was blessed to have even made it this long in his condition. He looked at me but words couldn't be formed. A hole in his chest was in disarray, and he still stroked my cheek and moved my hair from my eyes."Its okay Scar..." He weakly said as I laid there beside him resting my hands upon his bloody of a mess.

Ricky stood up, not noticing that I wasn't shot but Sage instead, and pumped his last shot through his head, his body flew back as the sprinkler over head broke off. I was going to be all alone, all over again. I tried to apply pressure to the wounds while forcing out belts to anyone who would listen to me. Yet my calls went on unheard, "Your tears burn scar." He chuclked as he forced his self up. Leaning on the wall grabing my hand trying to make it to the outside. "Sage, Please stop this" I begged swinging my hands at him only to feel his warm damp fingers comfort my blows. "We're almost there Scarlett, Do you rememeber those words I told you?" He asked me as if there was anything about him I could forget. "Of course I do, but do you remember your promise?" I paused only to help him regain his footing. "Yeah, Scar, I told you I'd never your side. But." He bit into his lip. "No! NO! don't tell me this time is different! You can't do this."

He didn't speak a word after that, we just walked until we got to the double doors leading into the news cast and officers. He told me to walk first, as he held the door open for me. But as I went to grab his hand he slamed the door behind me. I started to bang on it, as I noticed I smelled of gas. "Sage, no.." I cired thought the door. "I love you my dear." Was all he spoke at the door let out a puff of smoke. I just stood there holding the door I didn't care if it burned my fingers to the bone, he always saves me even when he can't. He knew of the gas leak in the class room but didn't say a word. Thats why I smelled cherry cigs because he had smoke some. He never expected to make it out alive. I thought to my self while firemen ran into the build to put out the flames.

That was 3 years ago, yet I swear I still hear Sages voice out side my door step. And at times I know he wipes my tears as I cry in my sleep. For he was my guardain angel and he protected his love.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2019 ⏰

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